Autumn is here and the leaves are changing. In SE Virginia, the leaves mostly just fall. We don't get the cold snaps that make the beautiful colors on most of the trees.
Lil" Cali Gurl found a yellow leaf. Good job!Cooler nights mean we can turn on the gas logs. I like the sound of a real fire, but with gas logs, you just turn it on for warmth and ambience.
Autumn feels like we can slow down some. Leaves have to be raked, but I'm mulching a lot and leaving them to build up our soil. The dogs like to help. Uh Huh.
Cinnamon and Paddington have the pumpkin toy- I guess it's napping with them. They have on autumn harnesses, which are beautiful with their reddish hair.
Autumn also means Halloween. What are you looking for Paddington and Piper?
Scary sounds and scary little people may surprise your dogs and make them anxious. Halloween is the second highest day of the year when animals get lost. July 4 is the first. So...
Here are a few tips. First, keep identification on your pet. (Mine have identification tags on all the time on their harnesses.) You think your dogs won't get out, but fear can make them fly out the door without thinking. It's also a good time to make sure your microchip information is updated. If you do it BEFORE Halloween, it could save your dog's life.
Piper may be looking for Trick or Treaters on Halloween, but he will be safely inside, and the TV or music will be on. Some dogs like Piper and Callie need a trazodone ahead of time. If you have kids, make sure their Halloween candy is out of your dog's reach. Some contain Xylitol which is toxic to dogs. Chocolate isn't good for them either. If you need to walk the dog/dogs, put reflective harnesses or jackets on them. Keep them on a leash. (And if you are opening your door a lot for the kids, put a leash on your pet and attach it to a piece of furniture if they would enjoy watching. (Most don't. None of mine want any part of this.)

And remember, autumn is time to slow down a bit if you can. Our hammock is still on the back porch. I sit in it (along with dogs jumping up to join me). Enjoy the cooler season. 🥮🍂🍁🎃

1 comment:
Love that photo of Cali Gurl with the big old leaf!
Its spring here and my roses are out and it is hotting up a bit weather wise.
My grand daughter is having a Halloween Party this year...... In Australia Halloween was never "big" but I guess the shops are now promoting it Big Time so all the teens want to do this.
I have a bat wings for Yum Yum..... don't tell ! lol
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