Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Bric came into rescue in April.   His owners left him at the shelter.  
He joined Susie, his foster mom’s Peke.  
Bric didn’t really respond to his name, but he liked Rick.  So, Rick it is.  
Bric/Rick has trust issues, but after time and patience, he has begun to trust Marti, his foster mom.    
Sometimes, we realize that some dogs just need to stay as our fosters and Bric/Rick is one of them.  With his trust issues, he needs to not have another change in his life.  
So, he is now a permanent foster and will stay w Marti.   He is 14 and he can live his life with Marti and Susie.   That will be a happy life. ❤️



Tuk Tuk is almost 6 months old.  But, when he came into rescue, he was in "shell shock" and confused.   He was just a baby.
He stayed with me awhile and settled in.  He was put on a good diet and his eyes became bright.  
His coat took on a gloss and he was happy. 
His hair!  It had a life of its own.   
His personality blossomed.  He went from scared and quiet to a whirlwind of energy.   He is always into something.
But, he liked to help.  Dishes were fun to clean.  And maybe something was left that he could eat.
"More dishes?"
"Put the wet clothes in here."
Sometimes, Granger and Gigi need a break.  So, Tuk Tuk has an xpen-- a little room of his own.
Granger is a big boy-- and Tuk Tuk isn't going to be that big.  But, his personality is.
Granger said, "Is he staying?  He's okay, but man he can be annoying."   LOL  
Gigi put up with his antics and then they napped together.   Tuk Tuk LOVES other dogs.  
Sometimes, he loves Granger too much.  But, Granger is patient.  
Tuk Tuk can do stairs-- big stairs, and little stairs.   They try to keep him from doing the tall stairs.   
He figured out quickly how to get on the couch.   
He's always looking for the next thing to do.  
His coat is smoothing out-- I thought he'd be a long haired Peke, but now I'm not so sure.
Either way, he's a beautiful little boy.   And then, there's his head.  LOL   
Yep, the hair.   I think the puppy head fuzz will leave, but it does give him a great look.
His next adventure will be neutering and hernia repair.  He also has stenotic nares (pinched nose) so that needs to be fixed.   I'm sure he will come through that like everything else he does.  With lots of energy and joy.   He's a great puppy!!


Monday, August 30, 2021


Minnie has been w me three years.  I honestly never thought she’d be here that long.   She was 13 and not in great shape.   She’s 16 now. 
She’s not big— about 13 pounds.  She has her left eye.  She’s deaf.  She’s old.  
So when Zoey came, it was like seeing double. 
Zoey is not big— about 12 pounds. She has her right eye. She’s deaf.  She’s old.   
Do you see a pattern here?  
Their coloring is SO similar.  
They both have funny little mouths.  But, Zoey has no jaw so her mouth is always open. 
Minnie keeps her closed.  
To help me our, Minnie wears a purple harness.   
I have done that lately.  
When they’re together, I have to do double takes.  Who’s who?  
This is……Zoey.  
This is Zoey.  
Minnie here.  
It can get hard— even for me. 
Yesterday, I went to sit on the couch.  Zoey always wants up too.  So I plopped her up and then turned around.  Surprise!  It wasn’t Zoey.  It was Minnie. 🤣.   She stood looking at me like I had lost my mind.   I guess I did!  

Sunday, August 29, 2021


Ammo was adopted several years ago.  He lives w big dogs but has no fear.  He took their chew stick. 🤣.  Are you hungry?!  
Sundays are for resting.  I keep telling myself that.  
Ammo believes it.  Wake up buddy!   No?  ðŸ˜‚. Okay.  Happy Sunday! 

Saturday, August 28, 2021


Happy came to us in 2019-- his owner had alzheimer's and hadn't know how to care for him for some time.  His eyes were so dry that he lost his vision.   
He was in the same family with Stewart --who  passed away also.  Such beautiful boys.  They had Berry before that.  He was another older, blind boy.   They all had so much love and care.  
In Happy's family, he was with "his girl."  
She absolutely loved her boy and took care of his eyes and adored him.  
They were always together.
Happy was her baby.  
Happy was blind, but his family was great with blind dogs.
They see with their heart.   ðŸ’“
Happy left this world, knowing how loved he was.   Run free, sweet boy.