Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Piper and Paddington are asking, "WHAT IS GOING ON?"
There is so much noise out there.  And trucks.  And people.  
Cinnamon was panting.   Change and noise make her so nervous.
Callie was drooling.   Trazadone was given. 
Cinnamon's ears went back, but I held her next to me on the couch and she calmed down.  
Why are we under attack?! 
Roofers have arrived.   There is so much noise, so many people, and the porch door to the yard is blocked.   People are on our house!
Piper had meds to calm down.  He's my nervous boy.  
The old roof is off, and the noise is less.  Now the dogs are resting.   The roof should be finished this evening and all will be quiet again.  
I guess we weren't under attack at all.    We're just trying to make the house better.  It will be calmer soon.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Sawyer came into rescue last October. 
He was missing so much hair and needed help.  PVPC fostered him for the shelter until his stray hold was up.  He was not doing well in the shelter environment.    
He was a happy boy even when he didn't feel great. 
When he was healthy, he was adopted by a former adopter whose Peke had passed away.  Look at that smile. 
His name is now Hermes “Hermie.”  He loves long walks so we knew he had to have an adopter who would continue that. 
He has beds and toys and love. 
And he gets to visit his foster family in August.  I love that!  He’s a happy boy now. 🥰

Monday, June 24, 2024


Remember a few weeks ago when I posted a young Peke needing a home?  Well, Charlie found his home. 😁
One of my friends, a Peke lover, adopted him.  
He’s a beautiful little boy. 
He just needed to be an only dog and now he is. It was so hard for his owner to let him go but she was concerned for Charlie and the other two bigger dogs.  I applaud her for wanting the best for him. 
Charlie is already checking out his new home- especially the kitchen. 😂. Yum!  
He has some new kid friends and it looks like he likes he’s enjoying his new home.  
Yes. I think he is home. ❤️🐾

Sunday, June 23, 2024


TD can be a little spicy.  You all know what a spicy Peke is like.  😂

He was foster brother of Sawyer.  Sawyer stays in touch w his foster parents. ❤️. He’s even coming to visit. 
Bentley, now Banjo, is doing great. He’s another one of TD’s foster brothers. 
Right now, TD isn’t worried about them. He just watching the food his mom and dad are eating. 
Can his sad face convince them to share?  
I think it did.  Look at him! 
Now he’s resting in the middle w a full tummy.   It’s a happy Sunday for him!  🌞


Saturday, June 22, 2024


Bennett came into rescue in 2013.   He came with his brother Lu.  They were just puppies when they arrived. 
I remember the day they came. Two big fluff balls. 
They’ve stayed in touch with each other for 11 years. 
Bennet was adored in his forever home.  
They even adopted another PVPC Peke— Allie. 
When Bennet was 7, he was diagnosed w mitral valve disease. 
His parents took such good care of him. He saw the cardiologist regularly.  
He recently began more coughing  and his heart was enlarged.   His mom saw he was struggling and was taking him to the vet when he left on his own.  
He has joined one of his best friends, Candle.   I’m sure Candle and Bennett are smiling together. ❤️❤️. Run free sweet boy. 


Rocco is one of our alumni.  His mom decided to do a DNA test.  
Look what it showed!   We are both shaking our heads. 
He definitely looks more Peke to us.  
Do you see any hair over the front of his face?  Or hair growing over the mouth?  
Shih Tzus are thought to be from the Pekingese and Lhasa Apso (a long time ago) so there must be some Pekingese in him somewhere.  Whatever he is he is beautiful!  

Friday, June 21, 2024


My grandson asked me to write a story.  He gave me his ideas and I thought they were great!  So, here goes.  

Cinnamon is an honorary member of the Kingdom of Snackington.   (My daughter's home)
I told my grandson that she needed an official title.   

She became a foreign diplomat from the Republic of Camp Runamuck.  
Every kingdom needs a king or a queen.   So, Finley became King Finley of Snackington.  He took over from Barty.   (I just did a DNA blog on him.)
He is regal like a King.   He has the look of a king.   
There was a full ranking in the Kingdom.   Cinnamon is a visitor there and isn't bothered by anything as long as I'm close.   
King Finley isn't phased by her at all.  He has other things on his mind besides worrying about a tiny dog..   He would rather beg for meal bits.  
Next in rank is Lily.  She is busy!  She has so much to do.   
First, she is the Secretary of Defense.  She was checking out the fence that cover the pool steps.   She loves the pool, and there is a raft in there just for her.   She enjoys floating around on it.  
But Barty isn't safe, so the fence is there.   Barty doesn't see or hear well, and he can occasionally go up steps.  The fence and Lily, the Secretary of Defense protect him.   The Kingdom of Snackington is a thriving city of trade and militarization.   Lily is busy!
Lily is also the Crown Princess.   She is the only girl dog who lives there.  So, the title was easy to give her.   
Two jobs aren't enough for this princess.   She is also the Prime Minister of Snackington.   I just don't know how she finds the time.  
Princess Lily does have time to take a break on occasion.  
The Kingdom of Snackington is in "the northern part of the house."   It's where the dogs are fed.  Barty THINKS he can eat in there.  But it's an epic fail.   He's kind of a chow hound, so he has to eat by himself.   
Now, Barty (also Barry, also Cornelius, the first King of Snackington) is banished from the Kingdom aka the food room.   His mom (my daughter) said he couldn't eat there because he wanted to eat all the food.   A civil war could have occurred among the dogs-- I mean the high ranking officials:  King Finley, Crown Princess Lily, and Barty.  
Barty hasn't been banished completely.   He can go to the rest of the kingdom.  And he was given a new title since he is no longer the king.   He is now the Honorary High Sheriff.   He has no power, but the title sounds nice. :-)  
Life is good at the Kingdom of Snackington.  

(Ideas for the story by my grandson "Beach Bit.")