Wednesday, January 31, 2024


When Tolstoy "Toasty", formerly Jabba, came into rescue, we noticed he was definitely different.   
He was adopted by my daughter's family, so I've watched him grow (literally-- he wasn't done growing!), and I watched his personality blossom.  

They decided to do a DNA test on him.   He had really long legs and of course, he's albino.   I asked you to give your opinion on what his DNA would show.  And you gave a lot of great-- and hilarious- answers.  
Here are some of them?  
"Pink-Nosed snuggle bear gooferdog."  LOL
"Snoot-booping worried man cuddle-wuggler."
"Droopy Dog"
"A Wizard"
"Sad eyed Pink Nose Peke"
"Peke and Chin"
Some "real combinations:"  Like:
"Tibetan Spaniel/Pekingese"
"Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu and Peke"
"Bloodhound Spaniel Peke"
"Peke and Spaniel"  (There are many types of Spaniels.)
"Peke and Pug"
"Albino Dog Fish Peke Mix"
"Part Christmas Tree Snow Elf"  
"Peke and Falkor" (from Never Ending Story)
"Peke and Clumber Spaniel"  (I can see that a little.)
"Pekingese, Shar Pei, and Spaniel"
"English Toy Spaniel"
"Peke Chin Spaniel"
"A Wookie"
"A Peke on stilts"
"Bloodhound Peke" 
"Ain't nothing but a hound dog ♭♮"  ("He does have sweeet hound doggie, soulful eyes.")
"A little bit Spaniel, little bit Pug, a dash of Bulldog and a whole lotta Peke."
"Peke Tibetan Spaniel" 
Whatever Tolstoy "Toasty's" DNA results showed-- we know he is the happiest boy.   He LOVES his family.  He loves to play.  He is full of fun fun fun!
His test results showed.................................................................
Toasty is 89.2% Pekingese and 10.2% Shih Tzu.  
No one guessed that.  And honestly, I don't see it.   We were positive that Giraffe would show up, even a little bit!  Just to explain his long legs.   
Thank you to all who gave us a guess.  You are the best!

(Pekingese can be a variety of size, color, weight, eye fold depth.  Some were -and are- longer legged.  The Pekes years ago are different in ways that aren't seen now. )

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Ember “Emmy” is settling into her foster home.  She was so thin. She is eating well now.   In fact, she’s eating a lot. Her body was screaming for nutrition. 
Ember is unsure of other dogs.  She’s not aggressive. She’s just not at ease around them.  She can be startled by them if they appear suddenly.   With people, she’s great!   She's a very good walker and enjoys sniffing different things along the way.  
Ember looks so tiny next to Charlie (formerly Marshmallow, PVPC alumni).  The other  is her foster sister Maggie.  She is about 60 pounds but was terrified of Ember at first.   Ember is becoming more comfortable with them.  Charlie began barking at the mail deliverer and Ember joined with her little bark.  
Ember needs a dental which she will have in February.  She is on medical hold for now.  It’s good for her to have this time to gain strength and to know she is loved.  ❤️

Monday, January 29, 2024


Leia was one of the Maryland Five.  She is outgoing and sweet.  
The rest of her group were adopted, but we knew Leia needed a special home.   She needed someone home, and she needed playmates.  She loves to be "in your face" with other dogs, so the others had to be okay with that.  
We received an application for her that was just perfect.  (We had many interested people, but we fit the dog to the home, not the home to a dog.)  
Leia was transported to her new dad-- thanks Michelle!   Her new mom was at home with Leia's new friends.  
She has already made new friends!    This is Lulu, a timid one.   Leia was excited to meet everyone.
There were a few that are young like Leia and she will have playmates.   Leia is active and energetic.
Yes Lulu, Leia will be your friend.   
Dolly, and Kirby (in the back) were excited to meet Leia.
Leia was very interested in Kirby, a Japanese Chin.   A wonderful life  is ahead of her.   Welcome to your new home, Leia!  💜

Sunday, January 28, 2024


Leia was part of the Maryland Five.  She was one of the youngest.  
She was fostered w Amee after she had some time w me.  I was so lucky to have her awhile.  
Leia aka Lei Lei, had nasal fold surgery to keep her eyes from being hurt.  She recovered great!   She was so good. 
She is going to a wonderful home w other dogs to play with.  I think we will get lots of updates.  Have a great forever life Lei Lei. ❤️

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Tolstoy "Toasty" can look so regal!
And he can be so silly?
He can have the most soulful look.  
And every look makes you want to hug and kiss him.  
His mom sent off a DNA test.    He was part of the Maryland 5 and the rest looked like Pekes.  But, Toasty has the longest legs.   He looks like he's part giraffe!   
What do you think he is?   What will his DNA test show?   Put your comments on the blog post.   I'll announce the results once we have them.  

Friday, January 26, 2024


Sawyer came into rescue the end of October.   
 He was in such rough condition and missing a lot of his hair.   His skin needed help.
He received the care he needed and began to heal.   Look at that smile.  
He settled into his foster home.   His foster dad learned that Sawyer loves walks-- long, fast walks.   A Peke who loves fast walks-- that's Sawyer.   
He found all the beds and was loving his life.  He was being cared for like never before.
TD was his foster brother.  TD (Tiny Dog, 10 pounds) can be a bit eccentric.   He can be bossy.   But, he and Sawyer got along fine.  

Sawyer had someone who wanted him.    She had adopted before and was ready for another.   

Sawer had met her and visited her home.    She fell in love with him.   
She picked him up and he was so happy to be in his car seat.  
Have a happy rest of your life, sweet boy.   We're so happy for you. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024


Penny (8 years ago but still just as beautiful) was in the snow.  We didn’t get snow at my house but so many had a lot of it. 
North Caroline mountains had snow- it is so relaxing to be warm inside and watch it. 
There’s something about the quiet that it brings.  
Zeke thought it was awesome. 

Lucy Lu was amazed by it.   It’s January.  It should be cold and snowy.   Here is was 22 w out the wind chill.   And a week later, it’s 70!   What in the world is going on.   It was be back in the 40s in a few days.   The dogs are loving the warm spell.   How’s your weather??