Wednesday, April 24, 2019


 Some days you are just BUSY.  You know the days where you don't even sit down to eat something.  I didn't even sit down at my desk until last night.  Mr. Petey had a hard time keeping up with me!   I finally put him in his xpen so he would rest and not try to follow me.
 Sugar Bit put this toy rhino in the toilet-- yep.   We got to fish it out.   FUN!
 Keeping up with all the dogs and eye meds and carrying four of them in and out-- but then, Mr. Petey climbed on the low step stool and got on the couch.  And he rolled around in excitement.  And I smiled.
 How can a little dog with a deformed front leg and the other damaged from over-use do this?   He's pretty amazing.
 We had to go to the vet and most of them know me well.  So, they asked if Sugar Bit would like to go meet the pigs in the back.  Of course she would.  So, off we went to visit Pip and his brother.   Sugar Bit loved it.  (And she had on her zebra boots!  Even better.)
And then home to make dinner and more birthday presents arrived for Sugar Bit, and of course, we had to spread them ALL over the porch. 
 Life is busy, life can be tough at times, but blessings are all around.  I see determination in Mr. Petey.
 I see Chumley being able to get around better after his back injury.  The dumb bell toy is near by.
 I see my Kai Kai still loving and doing great even though he had a stroke last year and lost his eyes three years ago.   Still the sweetest boy ever.
I see Max still wagging his tail even though he is fighting major health issues.  I see a happy spirit all around me, in my grandkids and my foster dogs and my family.  I am blessed-- even on really busy days.  


LadyJicky said...

You are so busy Linda!!!

Anonymous said...

So many blessings all around Linda! ❤️❤️❤️

Lost Earring said...

Watching these babies with their disabilities inspires me to deal with my own health issues with more determination because if these sweet babies persevere then by gosh, I can surely try hardy as well.

The additional thing that inspires me is the Lady of The House grabbing a bite to eat on the run in between administering eye meds, medications while keeping track of these sweet Pekes, watching Sugar Bit at play and thinking about what to make for dinner tonight.

I might not be able to accomplish all of those things but I can certainly try to handle my own Must Dos.