Must Love Pekes is a blog for those who love Pekingese -- their looks, their antics, their personalities. It is written by me, Linda, and I have been rescuing Pekingese for over 20 years. Lots of them have come through our home. We have loved them all.
Saturday, December 31, 2011


I do this blog every year to honor those we lost this year. If you lost a beloved pet and he/she isn't on this, just send me their picture and I will add them. We hate to lose them, and I want to remember each one. They were all loved and given all we or their owners could give.
Kay's beloved Coco died on Oct. 6, 2011. He lost his hearing at 12 and his back legs didn't work near the end but they carried him everywhere and he was the prince of their house. Mr. Bear was the only toy that he ever played with. Coco would be happy to know that his family adopted Nippy and Monk and also want to foster other Pekes in need for PVPC. Rest in peace sweet Coco.
Rusty, only three years old, lived in India with his mom. He is missed so much. He suffered injuries from another dog and could not be saved. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
I just received Doris' note that she lost her sweet boy Gizzy on Nov. 16. It was just fourteen days after his fourteenth birthday. He passed away from renal failure. She misses him every single day. Rest in peace, sweet Gizzy.
Coal Miner (second from left) died of congestive heart failure. He was only ten, too young, and missed so much by Paige and Dani. Paige and Dani are two of our foster parents and we are so grateful for them. They also lost Opal earlier this year (her picture is further down in the blog). I know this has been a rough year for them. Rest in peace, Coal Miner.
Cindy Dunn died shortly after we took her out of the shelter. She was in very advanced congestive heart failure and there was nothing we could do for her but pet her and give her a short time of love.
Jingles (formerly Rita) of the Bristol 18 died this month. We thought she was only about 8 years old, but she had lived a horrible life before being rescued. Her last year was full of love and she died with her mom next to her.
Tracey's beloved Anniebelle died in February. She was the matron in her family and is missed by all her human and canine family. Bless you sweet little girl.
Chance was one of my foster dogs. He had big eyes and a bigger heart. He lived with his forever mom in NC. He was an old boy when he died, but will always have a place in my heart and the heart of his mom.
Dixie was Chance's sister. They died on the same day-- a huge loss to their mom. They both had wonderful, long lives and were loved so much. Rest in peace, sweet Dixie.
Buttons came to us and only lived a short time. She had a severe seizure disorder and despite medication and effort to save her, she died. She was loved while she was with us. Sometimes, it's all we can do.
Panda Bear belonged to club members John and Terry. They saved this boy and gave him a wonderful life. He was supposed to live months, but instead had five loving years with them. I'm so glad he had them as his parents.
Dr. Rich and his wife, Charee, lost their beloved Cory this year. Dr. Rich is our incredible Richmond vet who has helped so many of our foster dogs. Cory had the best care possible and was loved immensely.
Heidi was 8 years old and her sister, below, Vicki was 15. They belonged to Kay and Claretta. Heidi was saved from being throw from a car and lived with them several months before she died. They only had her about five months before she had a seizure that the vets could not stop. They miss her loving personality and joyous explorations.
They each celebrated their birthdays with their moms and their dog friends-- Pekingese and Dobermans. Both girls were dearly loved. They had the best home imaginable. Rest in peace, sweet girls.
Chewy was the best friend of Tiger. Tiger hopes his mom and dad will find a new sibling for him when the time is right. Chewy was my foster dog and he was so much fun. Rest in peace, sweet boy. I know you are having fun over the Rainbow Bridge.
Jason aka Bud, came into rescue and went to live with Martha and her sister, Eve. Jason was a senior who was in rough shape. They did all they could, but Jason died in November. We're glad he had a time of great love while he could be with them.
Precious Denali came to rescue and her foster mom never let her go. She passed away quietly on her own. It was unexpected and she is so missed. She was such a sweet girl and friendly to each foster dog that came to her home. Rest in peace, sweet Denali.
Peking was adopted from us and lived a happy life in Richmond. He lived with his mom and a few cats, and was a great dog. Rest in peace, sweet Peking.
Autumn's Max was a beloved boy. He wasn't a Peke, but has many Peke friends. You can tell he lived in Florida because he was all ready for a pool session with his float and sunglasses.
Jeanne's George was the Daddy to all the dogs there. He tried to keep them in line, and with all the fosters that were there, he had a big job. Each time I visited Jeanne and Bill, I got to see George and give him a pet. George fought a valiant fight to remain with his family, but it was too much for him. You are missed, George. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
Bear and Precious, both almost 18 years old, died within months of each other. They came into rescue when their owner could no longer care for them, but she stayed in touch with their adopter and knew they had a wonderful home. Their owner is devastated at the loss of both in such a short time. Their Peke siblings, Tigger (who is blind) and Leila miss their buddies. They had a wonderful life and are waiting for their owner and sibblings at the Rainbow Bridge. Rest in peace, sweet ones.
We all loved Rusty. He was saved from a horrendous situation and lived with Richard with love and lots of care. We followed his life with stories and pictures and their owner continues to help our Pekes with his students. Rusty's legacy continues on. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
My cousin's little Chihuahua Maggie, died after a very long life. She is missed so much. Her mom wrote a poem for her. I did a blog on her and included it with his farewell.
Tippy came into rescue after her owner died suddenly. Tippy loved her foster mom and spent the end of her life with her. She died suddenly of congestive heart failure. It was a shock to us all, but with congestive heart failure, they can appear to be symptom free until near the end. We all miss her, but especially her foster mom and her Peke brother, Clarence. Rest in peace, sweet girl. You weren't a Peke, but took you in and are so glad we did.
Petey came from a shelter. He was handicapped because of deafness and being almost blind. But, he was loved in his home for the last year of his life. Dogs are amazing when they have handicaps, because they don't let it get in the way of their joy. We're glad you had a happy year with your family. Rest in peace, sweet Petey.
Nan Ross' 16 year old Gaily. She said, "I think you miss them even more when they need a lot of care and you spend so much time with them." I know how true this can be. I know her hair will be flying as she runs over the Rainbow Bridge.
Sam and Michelle's Taylor was 15 years old they think. He was a foster adopted from us 11 years ago. A lot of our fosters are adopted by their foster parents -- the majority of fosters are adopted by someone else, but some never leave their foster home because they become such an integral part of the family. I can see why this boy stayed.
Toni's Mugs was a foster who she just couldn't let go. He came to us because his dad traveled so much and would sometimes leave him in the bathroom for days at a time. Once he was at Toni's, he received wonderful care and lots of love. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
Buddy Bear-- Toni fostered this sweet boy. When we took him into rescue, we found out he had cancer. He was only supposed to live a few weeks, but he lived over 5 months, due to the exceptional care of Toni and Dr. Alex (Acredale Animal Hospital). Thank you, Toni. I know you loved this sweet little man.
Suet-Suet in Virginia Beach --Suet-Suet had health problems that his parents diligently did all they could for. He died loved to the very end, and his parents miss him so much.
Suet-Suet with his parents at their wedding. This was their favorite picture of him and asked me to use this in my Farewell end of the year blog. I did several blogs on him, and he went to Virginia Beach, among other places. He was a well-traveled boy. Rest in peace, sweet Suet-Suet. I felt like I knew you.
Sonia and Joe's Precious was the princess of the house. She moved in years ago and never left, as she was part of their hearts. She left her Peke brother, who missed her presence. Rest over the Rainbow Bridge, Precious.
Paige's Opal -- Opal was a Lounar Peke. She was a beautiful girl. She was a part of the pack, and so sweet. Losing her was so difficult. Rest in peace, sweet girl.
Laurie's Thomas -- he was one of our foster dogs who never left Laurie's house. They took a vote on him and they all "elected" him into their family. He was a sweet boy who loved his moms. He is missed so much.
Essie's Charlie was dearly loved by her. He was good friends with all the dogs there, and each one is cherished-- but losing Charlie was hard. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
Bali -- We took Bali into rescue and he died a short time later. Whoever had him should have known he was in distress. By the time we got him, it was too late.
For all those we lost this year, we bid you a farewell that is full of love. Thank you for being a part of our lives, and for the love you gave us and the love you were given. REST IN PEACE.

For all those we lost this year, we bid you a farewell that is full of love. Thank you for being a part of our lives, and for the love you gave us and the love you were given. REST IN PEACE.
Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

blog.) Rook was abandoned and the only people she trusted were Lucinda and Roger. She made an incredible recovery after she was able to be helped by them.

I love all the Christmas pictures I've received, and I'll keep posting them! It keeps up in the holiday spirit for a long time! :-)
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