Monday, February 28, 2011


Suet-Suet's dad just emailed me and let me know that each time Suet-Suet got weaker, he always seemed to bounce back. This time he didn't. They sent him on with his favorite moose and stringe chew-toy. He said he has no regrets-- and the saying fits, "I knew love, I knew this dog." We're so glad Suet-Suet knew you and was loved by you.
It is with tremendous sadness that I have to tell you that Suet-Suet passed away this morning.
Just yesterday, his owners had been able to take him on a little walk, but he collapsed after about five minutes. After resting a bit, he was up and wanted to run, which he wasn't allowed to do-- he still had the heart of a young Peke.
This picture was from his trip to Virginia Beach last fall. I wish I could have met him in person! (I was at the farm, my daughter's home near Charlottesville.)
Yesterday, Suet-Suet was able to also spend some time in the back yard. He was able to see some of the neighborhood and have new smells. (This picture is from his trip last fall.)

This morning, Suet-Suet woke up as usual and was able to go outside. He collapsed and his mommy and daddy did all they could, but he faded away. He fought to the end, but then relaxed, knowing he was loved and had a wonderful lifetime of memories. He is now waiting at the rainbow bridge for his family. He will be missed so deeply. REST IN PEACE, SWEET SWEET SUET-SUET.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH!!! Beth is one of our foster moms and she fostered Maximus above.
She fostered Ju Li, who now has her very own home. (She was a hard one to let go!)
She also fostered Katrina (now Penney), who was just full of joy-- I think she's laughing here.
Beth and David walk the dogs in all kinds of weather, several times a day. They are amazing foster parents. I'm SO GLAD they are on our team.
This was a group shot of their three Pekes and their two foster dogs. Missy (a former foster who stayed) is on top and looking up at the camera. Then, Lily and Katrina, and on the bottom, Ju Li and Wiley. They adopted their three from our group. They love Pekes and have had them a long time.
Here's David with the five-- Beth and David went to the Arboretum in Norfolk and ran into another person with her two Pekes. It turned out to be Tiffany, another foster mom, with Legend and Sasha, her two fosters. Small world and it was great for them to meet each other.
Thank you Beth, for all you do to help us in our foster efforts to save the Pekes. You are an incredible part of our team and I'm very glad to have you helping us to save these precious little Pekes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is Elvis-- he was turned into a shelter with five others. The rest went to another rescue group, but we were told Elvis was a Pekingese, so we got him.
I think he has something else in there-- Chin or ShihTzu. But, once we agree to get a dog, we do that. We are good to our word. He was picked up by a volunteer who took him immediately to the vet. He was in horrible shape. His nails were growing into his pads, he was covered with mats and filth. His eyes were extremely dry, and needed drops, but he can see some. He has an ear infection (now on meds), and infected skin. He also has a tumor on his abdomen. But, in the midst of all we were doing for him, his little tail was wagging. He was so grateful and knew he was being helped. That's what amazes me about these little ones-- they are just so thankful to be helped.
Elvis is safe now-- we'll have an ultrasound done on Monday to see if he can have surgery. If he can, we'll do it. If not, we'll just take care of him until he's not comfortable. If you are interested in being a "hospice" home for him (if needed), just email

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I am including this information for all of us to be able to share with others who may need this help:

Dear Rescue People,Great news....I was on the internet today reading a news story on Fox News. about a servicewoman who is abroad serving in the Army National Guard, who desperately needed a very safe ''foster home''' for her 2 beloved dogs while she was serving overseas to avoid losing her pets to a kill shelter..She found a GREAT organization that does JUST THAT! GUARDIAN ANGELS FOR SOLDIERS PET . They find very safe foster homes for our military men & women so they don't have to give up their beloved pets.All of us in animal rescue & crossposting world should forward this org's website info out if we ever hear of a service man or woman in need of foster for their pets.their website.....www.guardianangelsforsoldierspet.orgALSO BELOW......Fox News website with today's wonderful story along with a video of the servicewoman's story along with her dogs etc..


Charlie the Pug came to my house this week. I pretended I was a Pekingese.
I met Scooterbug and we both really liked each other!
I have a face that looks like it had roadmaps on it-- it's part of my charm!
I put my feet on the table so I could get a closer look at that camera she keeps taking my picture with.
And then I sat down and just smiled for her! I'm a smiley kind of boy. Pugs are really sweet and friendly dogs. Just like me!
I was so happy to be at Linda's-- she had a special place for me to go the next day. That way, I could be neutered and get all my shots.
I met Starlight and HER baby. I was great around the baby.
Look at my face-- aren't I irresistable! I'm so glad I got to come here and be a Peke for a day.
And then we went in the car for my next adventure (if you can call being neutered an adventure!). I'm such a good boy. I'm so excited about my new life!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Wicket and Lottie are my "granddogs"-- along with Sweetie Pi who is also known as Pi Pi.
My daughter did a post on them on her blog-- and I thought it was so cute, I had to also use it. Here it is:
"They are Jedi Masters who just got baths and wished I would stop taking photos and blow-dry them already--it is COLD. "
Lottie is her white Peke and Wicket is her brown one. They are both wonderful dogs who have amazing personalities and are so good with all my "grand Bits."
"Now they are both dry, warm, and POOFY!
By tomorrow, they will be filthy again because, hey, we live on a farm. They smell nice right now, though. "
And then Lottie can go see what she can find to get into and Wicket can sit on his throne on the couch and observe his kingdom. They do rule, don't they? :-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


It's bath day for Lacy and her brother Lafite. I think that little red bird is telling us the bath van is about to arrive! (Lacy's mom sent that picture, too, so I had to include it!)
Someone has a sense of humor to name their dog washing van "U Dirty Dog." Very clever!
Here is the email Lacy wrote me: "Hi Miss Linda,

It is Lacy and Lafite again, and we wanted to send you some new pictures.
Our Mommy is a little weird when it comes to us getting our bath. She doesn't take us to salon like some puppies get to go. She has the salon come to us.
So today was our bath day. (yuck)! But we really needed it. We both were kinda stinky. You should have seen Lafites grinch feet, his feet hair was soooo long that we could have braided it.
I have little dainty grinch feet, you might see them in the picture but we had them trimmed and we look soooo pretty and we smell really good.
We have been getting lots of pitures taken here lately.
We attached some pictures of us sleeping ( our favorite past-time).
Of course, there are pictures of me, Lacy, playing with my babies.
We hope to see you soon, Puppy hugs and wet kisses,

Lafite and Lacy

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Miss Linda- This is Lacy and Lafite-We wanted to tell you about our adventure in NYC. We weren’t really sure what was going on, we were hoping that we were going along, and we got to. As it turns out it seemed like we rode forever- but we had our beds and so we slept some on the way. We stopped a few times to stretch and do business-it was strange with lots of new smells.
So the first adventure was we got to go into this cool tunnel into the city-there were lots of cars and trucks-very noisy and we kinda were scared. But momma said that we would be ok. We finally get to Ashley’s apt. and oh boy it was so busy-cars coming and going. Daddy took us for a walk after being in the car for a few hours, and I (Lacy) really didn’t like it. There were so many people and the birds (mom called them pigeons) they are sooooo big they were like as big as me.
Lafite didn’t seem to mind, he just trotted along and barked a lot, I was too scared to appreciate the new scenery. (or the new smells) On Thanksgiving we got to walk to riverside park-Daddy put on my pink sweater because it was cold-Lafite he has lots of hair so he didn’t need any outerwear. I met this really cute puppy-his name was rocky and he was adopted like me. He was really cute. J and his mommy and daddy put a parka with fur on him. We had dinner at Ashley’s- there were 8 people in her tiny apt. (we got some turkey) yum that was fun-we got a lot of attention that is for sure. Ashley carried me all around-or held me in her lap.
We got up early on Friday- and we walked to the park it was so very windy and very cold, Mommy had to carry me across the street, I didn’t like busy street and all the honking horns. Lafite he is just so cute he just walked and trotted along like he owned the place, he would get a little testy when I would go up to another dog-( I think he is starting to like me a little more than a lot) I like that. ( I am such a girl) !!! We came home on Saturday-boy Lafite and I crashed ,we slept the whole way home (all curled up in one bed (heheh) the pink one)-we were so worn out.
It was fun to go NYC and see stuff, but I think that Lafite and I like being at home and having quiet walks, not lots of people and noisy cars.
Maybe we can come and see you sometime… you might not recognize me -I have grown and my hair is getting long-I am also gaining some weight- 9.9 lbs. the Dr. says that I am doing really well.
Well we just wanted to tell you about our trip (and like most girls I did all the talking) Lafite added a grunt or two. Actually he is sleeping….:)
Good night……………
Puppy hugs and kisses-
Lacy and Lafite


Remember Leo the blind puppy we took into rescue last year? He was adopted and is doing incredibly well in his new home!! His new owner has two other dogs, and one of them is blind.
Leo plays with the little one in the middle. She's blind, too, but they "see" with their ears and their hearts. Leo's been going on walks and doing great with that. HIs new owner said, "He's so adorable and lovable as I knew he would be."
All the dogs hang out together and Leo is happy and loved. Being blind isn't a problem for him. Dogs adjust well. We could learn from them!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sugar Annie's mom send me pictures of her when we had the big snow.
Sugar was all ready in her pink coat-- to face the cold and ice and snow.
Good thing she has that pink coat on-- or you'd lose her out there.
If it snowed anymore, she would disappear.
I bet there were some snow and ice "cling ons" when she came in!
No, Sugar, there is no path that way-- I think you should just stay on the one your mom and dad made for you.
I know, it's cold. I can see snow on your eye-lashes.
I see you're headed in-- my thoughts exactly!
Just snuggle up with a good book....
And rest and get warm-- and fall asleep with your glasses on. (I do not think any of my Pekes would have let me do this to them haha.) You're a good girl, Sugar!