Friday, April 30, 2021


Daisy came to us w the Potomac Six.  She was Blondee. 
She had her heartworm treatment and after months of staying quiet, she can now just be herself.  
She sleeps a lot—like most dogs.  
But, if there’s food..
She wakes right up!! 
“You can share w me!”  
Daisy began having fly biting seizures and is now on medication.  She is doing so well and has come so far since December.  
She’s a beautiful girl.   Her family adores her!💖🌸

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Do you have a Peke who just wants to be quiet- but keep you in view?  
Minnie is that girl.  She’s been here almost 3 years. Wow.  She will be 16 soon.   Like Zoey, she’s deaf and has limited vision. 
She’s bigger than Zoey by about a pound and a half. 
Zoey is about 12 pounds— Minnie is under 14.
I once picked up Minnie and put her in the playpen for her dinner.  I thought it was Zoey until I turned around and there was Zoey. 🤣🤣. It must have been a long day. Haha. 
Minnie does well w the others.  She was never comfortable on furniture.  Until yesterday!  😳
I put her on the couch and she stayed there a little.  She has PTSD and doesn’t like a lot of handling.   It’s ok.  
She’s a sweet girl and easy to care for.  She just wants to be close and get little back rubs when she’s ready for it.  She does occasionally tell the young dogs off when they’re too rowdy. That’s the Mama dog coming out ❤️🤣. We love our Minnie. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Penny was called Katrina when we got her.  She was one of the two young ones we got in the Bristol 18 rescue.   She was about one year old. 
She had been kept in the house which was deplorable but at least it was warm in the winter  
She was confused but life was changing. 
She was groomed and clean. What a great feeling. 

She was adopted and her named was changed to Penny because of her stunning color.  Here’s a video of her playing w Cosmo, her new brother.

Phyllis adopted her and Penny’s life was forever changed. 
She lives in great comfort now. 
Her cost is thick and fluffy because she gets good food. 
She is adored by all the family. 
And after her siblings passed away, her mom adopted Gizmo “Moe”  to be her friend. 

 Life can changed since she came into rescue w Ju-Li, one of the others who came w her..   Rescue provided her a chance for a life of love. 🐾🐾❤️

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Poochie was (we think) the daddy of the 2 puppies of the Bristol 18.   He came  to my house for fostering, so some of the pictures bring a sweet memory.
He was in terrible shape-- dirty, matted.  His coat was so dull.  
We groomed him, and he had his first bath-- probably in forever.  
Here he is with my Max-- Max is now at the Rainbow Bridge.  I love this picture.  
And there's Starlight peeking out.   Poochie was a content soul.
Max and Poochie-- he has such sweet eyes.  
He even knew how to sit pretty.  What a dollbaby.
He is absolutely cherished in his forever home.    
He is almost 16 now!  (We were told he was 5 when we got him, so he could be older, we just don't know.)
He is catered to at his home and he has a sister (human) who loves him.
He tolerates baths-- and his coat is beautiful now.   
There aren't many left from the Bristol 18, over half are gone now.  But, we made a different for them.  They were cherished and loved and they had wonderful lives.   WE ARE RESCUE.  💓

Monday, April 26, 2021


In August of 2010, we had the Bristol 18 rescue.  Colby was one of the two puppies that was saved.
He quickly overcame the condition he was in.
He was in poor shape, but his life changed that day.
He and his brother Carter were adorable puppies.
With care and good food, they flourished.
Rosebud (RB) was one of them.   She was so good with the puppies.
Tracey adopted Colby and the fun continued.
He was an adventurous puppy.
He helped garden.
He made beds.   Sure he did.
He played hide and seek.
He had the same mouth as his mom, Brandy.  Adorable.
Tracey's life changed the day she adopted him.  And so did Colby's.   He will be 11 years old in July.   We will have to wish him a Happy Birthday then!!  💙🎂🐾