Sunday, October 31, 2021


The Bits carved pumpkins-- and just look at all of them!   
Callie is as dressed up as she will be for Halloween-- she will have a trazodone and be inside long before Trick or Treaters arrive.   And music will be on LOUD.  
Obi belongs to a facebook friend of mine-- he is going to be a taco this year!
Every year, the Parks' Pups mom makes them new costumes.  She makes them everyday outfits, too.
This year, they are adorable!

 Post your pictures to share with us on facebook.   And have a SAFE and Happy Halloween!!  

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Kenobi came to me two weeks ago.   His picture from the shelter grabbed my heart.
My grandchildren are so used to me fostering-- and Sugar Bit welcomed Kenobi and had tea with him.  He loved it.
"What's in the basket?" he seemed to say.
He enjoyed her covering him up so he was snuggly.
Kenobi had significant issues when he came to us.  He had been found in the middle of a road in Maryland, but he was saved and taken to the shelter.  
He came to me and we hoped we could help him.   He was having great difficulty walking.
He tried, though, and he soon learned that he could trust me.  He looked for me.  
He knew I would rescue him if he got stuck.
He had the sweetest face.   Everyone who helped transport him fell in love with him.
Kenobi had kennel cough, and had to be in the office by himself.  But, Sugar Bit entertained him with paper dolls (magnetic).  He was fascinated.
Kenobi loved to be held.  So, we sat on the office couch a lot.   He would just melt into me.  
Sometimes, we just sat outside, with him on my lap.   He had a lot of mobility issues,  
His back legs didn't work well.  His feet would not come forward, but he tried.
He had osteoarthritis, and we began pain meds for him.   It seemed to help at first.
But, this week, he went backwards.   His back legs weren't working well and even his front legs began to have issues.   He walked with a huge effort and then would fall over.   I was right there.   Thursday was especially hard.  He was shaking with pain, and he could no longer move his back legs.   Some kind of paralysis had set in.   His front left leg was in pain, too.   He wanted to walk, but he couldn't.
I held him as he struggled.   He was so precious-- he kept looking into my eyes, or pressing is face into me as his body relaxed.   
Many of you know I've had many who crossed the Rainbow Bridge--- it's part of  rescue, especially when you take the older or sick ones.   My friend, Michelle, said, "helping them to be free of pain while in our loving arms is the last gift we can give them-- but it feels like your heart is being ripped right out of your chest."   Letting them go in our arms, close to their face, helps them not be afraid.  
In rescue, sometimes, it is the hardest thing, but the most unselfish thing to let them go.   I knew Kenobi could not be healed so we gave him peace, while being held with love.  
Kenobi, you were in my life two weeks, but the love you gave was timeless.  Your eyes found me, and I knew you trusted me to do what was best for you.   We loved each other.  What an honor to have you in my life.  Run free now, sweet sweet boy.   You were a blessing.  

Friday, October 29, 2021


Minnie and Sissy saw the vet this week. 
Zoey was there, too.  My three old, older, and oldest girls. 
It was all decorated.  
There were hats hanging from the ceiling and skeletons on the floor.  The doggy skeleton has an IV tube. 🤣. Minnie managed to walked between the skeleton legs and knock it down.   🤦‍♀️
Did you do that?   She’s guilty.  But she tried to do it again!  That sweet face is trying to convince me she’s not doing anything wrong. 
I kept her close.  There’s no point in talking to her since she’s deaf. 
Sissy behaved.   As long as I’m close, she’s happy.  
Yep, it was a good visit.  She was ready to head home.  It was too spooky for her 🤣. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Kenobi has been with us for twelve days now-- almost two weeks.
He's had a cough, so his room is the office.  He can't be with other dogs.  
Sugar Bit will play in there with him.   
He enjoys the attention.
He was curious what she was playing with.  (It's magnetic dolls-- no more paper dolls.)
Last week, Kenobi seemed to be making progress.   But, this week he has regressed.  His mobility is a lot less.  He eats little and that's how I get his medications in.  Some medications can be syringed in for pain, which I do.
I have a rug runner in the office, so he has some traction, but even with that, his back legs are not working well.   He has also gotten worse with his front should/leg.  He falls over and it's hard to watch him struggle.  He has the sweetest face and loves lap time.   We'll be contacting the vet to see if there is anything else that can be done to help him.   He's in pain.  We never want that.   So, cheers and prayers for Kenobi are very welcome.   I'll keep you updated on his progress.  

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Sophie is ready for Halloween.  She's dressing up as a little beautiful diva.

Sophie came into rescue in 2015.   A shelter contacted me and I got her.
She was a tiny one at 9 pounds and she was blind.   But, she LOVED to be held.
One of her eyes never formed and the other had a detached retina-- probably from birth or very young.  That didn't stop her future mom from visiting with us and falling in love with her.  
She has always been given the most incredible care.
She has some age issues, like bladder incontinence.   She wears a color coordinated diaper.  She may be older but she's still fashionable.  
Sophie is an older girl.  We thought she was younger when she came into rescue, but it is really hard to tell sometimes.   
She visited her groomer, who put a web bandana on her and orange fluffies in her hair.  (Is that a word?  I don't know, but it fits.)   Sophie is such a sweet girl.   I love keeping up with my former foster dogs!  💜

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Hugo joined his new mom, Susan, last January.  And he just turned 3 this week!
His mom sent me pictures of their neighborhood.
Scary things are everywhere.
Ghosts are all over.
Hugo is not afraid.
He lives not far from Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.
"Let's go there.  I'm not afraid."
I'm sure he will be passing out candy on Halloween.  Maybe he will even dress up.  We will have to wait and see.  🎃