Remember Merit? Like many Pekes, he likes laundry baskets.

And cat litter boxes.

Now he has a job! He helps do the dishes. :-)

He gets right up on the lid, because that's where he can do the best job.

My Pekes, Scooter and Cranberry, like to help, too. It must be a Peke thing!
No , No, No - it is NOT a "peke thing" Linda!
Its Moi Moi here and I am not going to do the dishes - this little peke is NOT going to get "dish pan hands/paws"
That is too cute, and funny!
aww love little Merrit's tongue sticking out!
It's in the nature of Peke's to be such helpful little ones. Lu's favorite job was being our alarm clock! She took her job so seriously she even worked weekends :)
Moi Moi-- you can do the dishes, sure you can!!
I love how LuLu Belle's job even covered the week-ends! She was such a special and precious Peke.
"No I can't Linda! Those rubber gloves are just too big and Melinda won't buy another pair as I have 4 paws you know!"
Kisses from your
Moi Moi
* who is eating bon bons and watching TV - I am no fool !
I'm sorry, Moi Moi. I forgot you were a princess. Of course, you can't do dishes. What was I thinking? :-)
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