Thursday, September 6, 2018


Minnie has only been with me less than two weeks, but she is doing great here.
 She gets along with the other dogs here.  She sleeps right next to the bed, and has a roll-around session first. 
  I took Nala to the vet for her recheck, and took Minnie with us.
When they took Nala to the back for blood test, Minnie tried to follow.
 "Where did they take her?"
 She couldn't reach the door knob. 
 "Can you help me?"
 So, she just waited.
 And waited....
And then, Nala came back and Minnie rolled over and relaxed. 
 Nala continues to get care for her IMHA and seizures, but we continue to help her try to win this battle.
They were ready to go home once the appointment was over.
Minnie was glad to be home, too.  She curled up under the bed to sleep-- and then came out to get on her pillow next to the bed.   Good job helping Nala today!!


LadyJicky said...

So little Minnie is being a nurse to sweet Nala. How cute.

Lost Earring said...

Lovely story for today. Minnie taking care of Nala, beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It’s so wonderful that Nala has a companion! Some Pekes are naturally social and demonstrate true compassion for other dogs. Our Bink is like this- he likes to comfort others and be near them! ❤️❤️❤️