Bambi Belle is timid, but doing great. Fran rescued her and Taco from a breeder who was just going to throw them away to a shelter.

Her mom sent me this note: "Lu was curious about the pool and would run to the edge when I was swimming. I carried her in with me and she seemed to really like the warm water on her, she had such a good time, every time I'd carry her out to the edge she'd run back and whine for me to carry her back in. I guess it cooled her off as well. (Don't worry, the pool is treated with green cleaners because of my allergy to overly chlorinated pools.) Nubby, Taco and Bell do not like it."
Lu has also made a new friend, her owner's father in law's Lab Bubba. He's an older dog and Lu enjoys following him around. Her mom said it's cute because he comes up to our bedroom door and she meets him there in the morning and waits for me to open up the door for her. They have a big size difference and they have the same color coat. We'll have pictures of them together soon.
LuLu is taking a little time getting used to California, but I know she'll love the nice weather, laying by the pool and spending time with her mom.