Friday, January 11, 2013


 Buffy and Ollie were both adopted from us.    I fostered Ollie and he is one sweet boy.   Buffy is adorable!
 Let me tell you-- their mom needs to give me lessons in decorating!    Her house is stunning at Christmas-- and the rest of the year, too.   But, at Christmas, there is a sense of joy that just takes over.    His mom's name is Joy-- so appropriate!   Can you see the Santa in the background?     And look at all the ornaments on the tree!  There is a tree, big or small, in EVERY room in their home!   I love it.   And many have "joy" ornaments on them.   I've been there several times.  I didn't get there this Christmas-- I was just running into myself.   But, next year....
 Don and Joy are great Peke owners!    And the dogs get dressed up at Christmas, too.     (Please forgive this late Christmas blog-- I had almost 200 emails and I'm trying to get that in order-- along with my desk!)
 Ollie is leaping for joy during Christmas-- he loves it!
Buffy is silly, too, but she's pretending to be very calm while watching her brother.  Silly Ollie!!

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