Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Bellamy came into rescue three years ago.  He was a young Peke of 1 1/2 years old.  His owner needed to rehome him.   We were glad to help.  Bellamy went through two adoptive homes before he found the perfect one.  He was a little ball of energy and needed the right place.  
Most of you remember my Starlight.  She loved her babies!  We had to get two bouncy seats or Starlight would climb in with the baby.
Starlight could be testy with adults, but children and babies were ADORED by her. 
We didn't know much about Bellamy when he came into rescue, but....
He seems to be following Starlight's example.   
His mom had a baby, and Bellamy is in love!!  (Don't worry, he's never left alone or unattended with the baby.)   
He has to be close to his new human brother.   
He has taken on being the watch dog for this perfect baby.
He wants to be close to make sure his baby is safe and doesn't need anything.
Yes, I think we have another Starlight here.  A dog who adores babies.
It's such a precious thing to see.  🍼💓

Monday, November 29, 2021


Chi Chi came into rescue in January, 2018--she was 15 at the time.  
She was a stray in a Maryland shelter.  She had a microchip, but it led no where.  
She was a senior, so she came to us to live her life.  She was a happy girl.
She loved her foster mom, Robin.
And Robin loved her right back.  
Chi Chi (pronounced with long "i") was playful and happy.  
She loved her toys.   
Chi Chi lost her hearing and eventually lost her sight, as she got older.   We celebrated each birthday with her mom--16, 17, 18... 19 last September.    
Chi Chi was so loved.  So beautiful.  Just adored by all of us.  But, none more than Robin.  
She developed oral melanoma, but she kept eating and living her life.   When it got too bad, her mom Robin knew it was time to say good-bye.   At 19 years old, Chi Chi has a magnificent  almost four  years with Robin.  She loved her life.
We are so glad she came to rescue and became a permanent foster.  She was a beautiful girl.  Run free now, sweet one.  💜🐾


On Saturday, we went to Williamsburg, VA to visit my daughter.  It's close by and of course Zoey went.  We went to the Christmas Market in the Old Town area.  And Santa was there!
Zoey sat on his lap like a big girl.
He said she could stay there all day, as he kept petting her.   
There were a lot of dogs there.  This one was pulling a wagon.  🎄
There was an American Bulldog puppy, about 5 months old.  He loves sitting on laps.   He was so sweet.   All the owners were being responsible and the dogs were doing great-- Tuk Tuk LOVED being there.  
Tuk Tuk brought a lot of smiles and people asking to pet him and Zoey.  
Later that evening, we began decorating.  My husband was putting on the tree lights-- that's the first step after the major task of setting up the trees.  Boxes are everywhere, and it will get a lot messier before Christmas peace settles in.  I change some things every year, and some things stay the same.   I had to move some furniture because of course, nothing ever stays the same here.
Zoey had on her LOVE shirt and was my little helper.
So were Piper, Sissy and Paddington.   Christmas afghans and pillows will come out and everything will take on a festive feel.  
Decorating is exhausting, so Zoey is taking a nap.   Post your Santa or decorating pictures.  Be sure to name your Pekes in the comments.   The season begins!  🎄🎄

Sunday, November 28, 2021



Butters is one of our senior fosters and he’s adorable. 
After a big dinner, he’s content to just veg out in his bed. His Christmas blanket is out and he’s snuggling in it.  He looks very comfortable. 
Butters wishes everyone a HAPPY SUNDAY!  

Saturday, November 27, 2021


Yesterday was Black Friday.  I’ve never paid much attention to it.  But, yesterday, I sat at my computer and did some shopping. 
The dogs were wondering what I was up to. 
Do you have any food up there?  
Well, I did have left over pie.  This was the before picture.  Yes, I had some while I shopped. 
Paddington saw a roll hit the ground when we were snacking.  It’s okay.  We let him have it.  
Zoey hung close while I worked at my desk.  
I told everyone that Christmas was coming so I had to get busy.  Piper and Paddington are on the look out for elves (that sneaky Elf on the Shelf is about to appear here) and other Christmas things.   Did you buy things on Black Friday?   I hope you got some good deals!! 

Friday, November 26, 2021


Nana was adopted from a shelter three years ago.  She was 11 or so at the time.  
Her new owner loved her and Nana was happy. 
She enjoyed rides in the car. 
She loved trips to the beach. 
Sometimes, things happen and the owner asked for help.  
We were happy to help.  We are rescue.  
Nans is laid back and easy going.  Trips to the store are fun.  
Nana is about 14, under 13 pounds and sweet!!  
We will have her see the vet to evaluate her health.  For now, she is loving her foster mom and home.  WELCOME TO RESCUE  SWEET GIRL!