This is Scarlett-- her mom adopted one of my foster dogs-- Stitch. Scarlett is busy getting ready for Halloween! She's helping her mom carve a pumpkin-- a spoon is hard to carve with, but she's doing it! I bet the pumpkin tastes good, too.
Scarlett has two Peke siblings. Pekaboo and Stitch.
Pekeaboo was there first, and is the queen there-- I think we all have one Peke royalty at our homes-- one that knows they're the boss.
Pekeaboo is watching Scarlett crawl around on the floor-- from the safety of the couch!! Stitch is in the background on the ottoman. Pekeaboo wants to be in the room with her, but be "above it all" to observe. Scarlett really wishes they would come down to play. Many Pekes aren't good with children, but Pekeaboo and Stitch do just fine.
Stitch loves Scarlett-- they are best friends. Scarlett shares her toys with Stitch.
I think they're playing peke-a-boo here (no pun intended on Pekaboo's name!). I love those floor "play gyms" for babies-- I'm going to have to get one for my grandson who is due in January!