Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here's Ty-Ty. He's just Ty on the web, but I've always doubled his name. He's double sweet, so it makes sense.
He has a sad face, just his look. It gets a lot of attention-- you just want to give him a kiss! And touch his cheeks.
He's a really beautiful boy-- he was with me almost 8 months, just waiting for his perfect family. I would keep him, but I can't keep them all! He needed his special place where he could get more attention than here in a bigger pack.
And he now has it! He was there a week and I went back to take his bag of toys. I had forgotten to take his gorilla! Bad foster mom!! His tail started going as soon as he saw it!
And he wanted it all to himself. I took a lot of toys, but this was always his favorite at my house.
He just chewed on it and carried it. I threw it and he retrieved it. Then, I threw another toy and he went and got that, too. But, there is nothing like his gorilla!!
Ty-Ty loved the "corn on the cob" chew toy-- and so did his new brother, Snuggy!
He snagged it right away! When he carried it around, it looked like a cigar in his mouth. :-) You can see some of Ty-Ty's other toys there. I took his favorites and there were quite a few of them. When I left, he was curled up in his bed--with his gorilla. Look at his tongue poking out a little.
He's a content and happy boy. I love you, Ty-Ty!!! I'm so glad you have such a wonderful home-- it was worth waiting for.

Happy home = happy dog; happy dog = happy home! : )

Monday, August 30, 2010


Katrina (left) and Julie-- now Ju Li-- were the last two Pekes we got from the Bristol 18 puppy mill shut down. They were afraid and not sure at all about what was ahead of them.
They are in a foster home now-- and doing so well. Ju Li had to have leg/knee surgery and has a long incision on her leg, so she has to stay quiet. She's in a crate here, but she is usually in an xpen to give her some area to move gently around. Katrina is offering her support.
Wylie, their foster brother (he was adopted from us last year and is beautiful now!), came to see what was on my lap. Bella, a visiting Schnauzer is wondering what he sees.
WOW, is that a puppy on your lap?? Yes, it is! Cubbie Woo had gone for a visit, too.
Lily was snuggling on her dad's lap. There were a lot of dogs around, so this was a nice safe place to be.
There goes Bella-- she is a beautiful Schnauzer! And sweet!! Maybe one of these Pekes will become her new friend.
Katrina is looking at whatever Wylie is looking at. Must be very interesting!
Ju Li went to rest on the glider with her foster mom. She loves the glider and it will put her right to sleep. She has to rest so her leg will heal.
Are you talking about me??? :-) Go back to sleep Ju Li.
They are good friends, but will do fine apart. We just want them to both be taken care of. And loved for the rest of their lives.
Katrina is keeping an eye on things so Ju Li can rest.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


We had an email from a shelter--could we help this little girl? We had SO many from the Bristol 18 rescue and didn't know where we'd put this one. But, we had to help her.
She isn't even two years old and had some skin issues. She was turned in by her family and she was very confused.
One of our members went to get her and said she would foster her. I'm so thankful! Can you see the red on the back of her legs? It's all better now!
She's so happy to be out of the shelter and loved. She's gaining weight, too. She was very thin.
Now she is playing! She will play fetch with the toys and ball. She is so sweet and loves to be held.
Did I mention she loves toys? :-)
MeMe will be going to a new home next month. She had applications the day after she arrived-- but there are a lot more in rescue! Check them out at http://www.potomacpekes.org/

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Cubbie Woo is going on a road trip. He's been with me over a week and is ready to travel-- he was too sick at first. He's going to his foster home in Maryland with Paige and Danni.
Are you ready little man?
He has a harness and a little collar and a name tag! That's VERY important. Cubbie Woo-- or Woo Woo at his new foster mom calls him on the phone-- was 1 pound 5 ounces when he came ten days ago. Today he was 2 pounds 4 ounces. He has come a long way and is just full of himself!
Those that have come to visit him are amazed at how small he is. To give you an idea, here he is next to a coffee cup (it's a moose cup from my trip to Vermont).
And here he is beside his Blue Buffalo puppy food-- it's the smallest bag they have. Little dog, little bag.
He went on a home visit with me-- can you see him by Poochie and Snuggy?
He even had a chance to walk on the Pekingese Pathway here-- we couldn't let him leave without doing that.
He could get lost under the border grass. He was intently looking at a speck there.
We have loved having him here, loved holding him, love playing with him. He is becoming a very playful puppy now that he feels better. Click here: YouTube - cubbietoy
Here he is teasing Starlight: Click here: YouTube - CubbieStarlight
Here's his collar and another name tag-- it's just about as big as he is!
How did I get on the fireplace?
He loves balls and will already fetch the tiny tennis ball for me to throw again-- it could be just a coincidence, but he's a smart Peke puppy!
I had to have a picture of him in the famous pink bed! Don't worry, his new home has one just like it! He's going to be so happy there, and have so much attention. And I know we'll have updates on him. Have fun Cubbie Woo!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


This is what Brandy looked like before she was taken from her "owner." I hesitate to use that term, because this woman just used her for making money off puppies. Brandy came with two puppies, both with urine burns on their paws-- all three were closed into an airline crate in the hot sun. I'm surprised they were alive.
Brandy weighed only 9 pounds-- all skin and bones. She wasn't sure what was going on with the bath, but I know having years of dirt come off had to feel good.
She's looking at her past life just washing away down the drain.
And look at her sweet face now. "Am I going to have a new life?" You sure are, sweet girl.
"I really like my foster mom at the vet's-- Jeanne is taking such good, loving care of me." Jeanne fell in love with every one of these dogs as she cared for them while they were being medically evaluated and having surgery. It was hard for her to let them go to their foster homes. Part of her heart went with each one.
Brandy was given some freedom to follow Jeanne around as Jeanne cared for them all. She was her little helper.
Brandy had all her surgery and was on the way to a foster home. Can you see her looking around at life outside a puppy mill? Look at her smile!
Yes, I think she's going to enjoy freedom and love and the future.
She's looking up at her foster mom, Mary Elizabeth. That's Camden's mom! You know how beautiful Camden is. He's a little put off by the "intruder" but I bet they'll be best friends in no time.
You are going to be safe and loved, little girl. Your life has changed forever.
Now, she has a big yard to run in. She will run around the backyard and her tail is up and wagging like crazy. She probably thinks she is in Disneyland!
She had many naps in her new foster mom's lap-- she's getting over being shy and timid already.
She's experiencing JOY! And she loves her foster mom's mother who lives with them. She loves to rest in her lap. Some sounds make her jump a little-- sneezing, stuff falling, airplanes going over the house (it's near the Navy base). But, those will become normal and she'll adjust-- look how far she's come already.
These Bristol 18 Pekes have never known freedom. Some need time for their muscles to develop since they were so confined-- but they are now having the space to run. Watching them transform is amazing. Check out two videos of her below!

If you want to apply for any of them, or donate to their care, please go to our web site: http://www.potomacpekes.org/