Here is Cindy in her yard/deck. She was adopted and loves her new home. Enjoy the pictures that follow!

NEWSPAPERS: If you have to go to the bathroom while playing in the front yard, always use the newspaper that's placed in the driveway every morning for that purpose. (This is Pandy, my daughter's Peke mix-- she is hiding under the bed-- maybe she does NOT want to go outside!)

VISITORS: Quickly determine which guest is afraid of dogs. Charge across the room, barking loudly and leap playfully on this person. If the human falls down on the floor and starts crying, lick its face and growl gently to show your concern. (Pandy is hiding out more-- maybe she's waiting to pouce on someone.)

BARKING: Because you are a dog, you are expected to bark. So bark -- a lot. Your owners will be very happy to hear you protecting their house. Especially late at night while they are sleeping safely in their beds. There is no more secure feeling for a human than to keep waking up in the middle of the night and hearing your protective bark, bark, bark... (Pandy is here with Beach Bit. She is his little protector!)

LICKING: Always take a BIG drink from your water dish immediately before licking your human. Humans prefer clean tongues. Be ready to fetch your human a towel. (Janey was adopted and is a wonderful home now!!!

HOLES: Rather than digging a BIG hole in the middle of the yard and upsetting your human, dig a lot of smaller holes all over the yard so they won't notice. If you arrange a little pile of dirt on one side of each hole, maybe they'll think it's gophers. There are never enough holes in the ground. Strive daily to do your part to help correct this problem. (Here's Janey with a new toy-- she gets a lot of new toys!)

DOORS: The area directly in front of a door is always reserved for the family dog to sleep. (Janey's mom owns a pet supply/toy store! I want to visit! So do my Pekes!)

THE ART OF SNIFFING: Humans like to be sniffed. Everywhere. It is your duty, as the family dog, to accommodate them. (This is precious Janey. She is giving her mom a kiss-- I love this picture. It is so showing of what we want for each of our foster dogs! See her little tongue-- why am I so fascinated with Peke tongues? And ears, and tails...)

DINING ETIQUETTE: Always sit under the table at dinner, especially when there are guests, so you can clean up any food that falls on the floor. It's also a good time to practice your sniffing. (Bucky and Butters are watching their dad make pancakes. "Excuse us, but we're waiting for breakfast - shouldn't you feed us first??" Willy and Suzy Q were hiding out somewhere -- Butters and Bucky are the two "outgoing" guys in their gang!)

HOUSEBREAKING: Housebreaking is very important to humans, so break as much of the house as possible. (Butters and Bucky are still waiting--while the humans experiment with pancakes.)

GOING FOR WALKS: Rules of the road: When out for a walk with your master or mistress, never go to the bathroom on your own lawn. (Here's Cindy with her new dad-- she's a lucky girl!!!)

COUCHES: It is perfectly permissible to lie on the new couch after all your humans have gone to bed. (This is Magoo, Cindy's new brother. She was adopted into a wonderful family! It was worth the wait for her.)

PLAYING: If you lose your footing while chasing a ball or stick, use the flower bed to absorb your fall so you don't injure yourself. (This is Coco -- formerly Penny Anne-- a sweet Peke who found her wonderful forever home!)

CHASING CATS: When chasing cats, make sure you never--- quite--- catch them. It spoils all the fun. (Coco again. :-) )

CHEWING: Make a contribution to the fashion industry. ...Eat a shoe. (I love this picture-- the Peke is on a trampoline! FUN!) (p.s. I'm not encouraging you to put your dog on a trampoline-- it would seriously tick off my Cranberry haha.)
This is too funny...but so true!!
Kenzo says he digs holes - big and small and he chews everything - especially his blankets!
That drives me Crazy Linda!!!
HAHAHAHA, loved this blog!
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