Monday, November 22, 2010


We are trying to sell some things on our facebook page (Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue) to raise money for our Pekes. One of them is a great wooden playpen! I have three for sale-- I have three of my own. I use them for my grandchildren and for dogs! They are great!! You can put soft mesh woven through the "bars" to keep dogs in or dogs out-- whichever you prefer!! Click here: Kettler Baby Play Pens "NEW"
They normally sell for $400 new. I am trying to sell them for only $100! The ones for sell will collapse down to an almost flat position. Just click on the link above to see about them. Or you can email me at They are currently at Jeanne's house in Richmond. (The bottom can change positions from middle to the bottom. It's very handy!)


This is Scrappy Jack. He's not a Peke-- I'm sure you guessed that! He was rescued by Karen in Kentucky. You see, when Scrappy Jack was four weeks old, his puppy mill owner looked at him, and his eyes were bad. So, she removed him from him mom and discarded him in the barn. He didn't die, so she took him to a high kill shelter. This is what happens with puppy mills-- there is no compassion. They are in it for money alone.
Here is another photo of Scrappy…one of his mom's favorite pictures. He has an ulcer on the eye that is left, but he sees well. He’s her joy!!HOWEVER, Scrappy Jack was rescued!!! He was in intensive care for four days-- remember he was still under 5 weeks old. His remaining eye isn't great, but he still sees well enough to get around. He is a Momma's boy for sure and she can even use words to say how much she loves him.

Remember, just because a dog has an eye problem doesn't mean they are a wonderful pet or that they aren't worth saving or adopting. Scrappy Jack is proof of that!


lady jicky said...

I think its just wonderful that Mr Scrappy has a kind and loving home now.

I tell you Linda, there is a special place in HELL for Puppy Mill owners!

Wesley, Emily, Mo Mo, and Wendel said...

If you remember my boys, Cody and Mr. Wendel, they both had eyes that looked JUST like Scrappy Jack's big eye and after surgery it doesn't protrude like that and their vision has improved (part of the reason that my boys had such poor vision was due to chronic dry eye from having their eyes exposed so much). Just a thought. Of course you know that I INSTANTLY fell in love with SJ because he looks just like a short haired version of my boys! LOVE HIM!!!

Anonymous said...

Scrappy Jack is one handsome young man. I have a Pug. Scrappy is a good adjective for him. He is also very lucky. I hope his final home is the best!!

emilyp said...

Melinda, I totally agree..a very special place in Hell for them.

I love his pics:) He is an absolutely adorable pug!!

Crossfire said...

So glad that he got a wonderful, loving forever home. :-)