Thursday, June 30, 2011


This is Niles. He was listed as a Pekingese, but now that we have him, we think he's a Japanese Chin.

He had been in the shelter for two months and they neutered him, did all his shots AND did a dental! He doesn't have many teeth left. That's amazing for a shelter to do all that.

Paige picked him up and cleaned him up-- look how pretty he is!

He had to be shaved at the back end because of all the mats, so he looks a little funny. He is older, maybe ten, but he's still got energy and seems healthy.

His hair on his tail will grow back, too.

We are hoping to transfer him to Chin rescue or to a home, so watch our facebook for those updates. I'll also try to remember to update the info on my blog so you will know.

So, even though he isn't a Peke, I'm glad we were able to save him. He was in the shelter too long and needed to get out and be loved on in a home. Many shelters do all they can for the animals there, but it's not a home. Hugs to you, Niles!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I receive so many cute pictures. But, sometimes, it's just one, not a group. I want to share them, so I decided to do an email of just cute Peke pictures. Here we go....
Louie and Katie are now adopted and they got to go on a car ride. Look at their tongues hanging out-- it's a Peke thing.

This is a little Peke in a shelter. If his owner doesn't claim him by Thursday, we are getting him Friday or Saturday. What do you think we should name him? We need a name by this week-end.

Here are Paige and Danni's Pekes. (Louie and Katie are in there also, but now they're in their forever home with Deana.) They are all watching Danni very closely-- she must have some treats.

Sugar (who came in with Ty-Ty, Katie and Caleb) now lives with her Peke friends and her kids. She has discovered that being on the couch is a great place to be.

Princess is sitting pretty in her puppy cut. She is ready for summer, too.

Monk and Nippy are our newest pair to rescue. They are brothers and have been together their whole lives. They are ready for adoption, so just email us if you are interested:

Here is one of my "granddogs" Lottie. She loves to ride to school to drop off her little mistress. She is so good around kids! Her Peke brother, Wicket, is looking over her.

Here is beautiful Laslo. He now lives in N.Va. He was "dumped" by his owner at a boarding facility. It meant they had to wait longer (for legal reasons) to turn him over to rescue. But, now he is safe and in his own home.

Here's Douggy. He was a foster dog of mine and was adopted last year. He has his puppy cut and is ready for summer.

Scotty Butters and Bucky are doing great in New York. They are so lucky-- they get to go to a week-end home each week. I want a week-end home!

Remember Coco Puff? She was one of my foster dogs last fall/winter. She came out of a shelter near me-- and now...

She is living the life in a high-rise condo and rides the elevator. She also loves to curl up in her daddy's lap and be loved on! Her new name is Pikachu. I love that!

Here's Carter, one of the Bristol 18 puppies-- he lives with Jeanne and is VERY relaxed there! Can you tell?

Jasper is trying to make friends with my Cranberry. She is my alpha dog and doesn't really want any friends-- but she isn't bothered by him. She does let him know if he's "in her space." Look how small Jasper is! Cranberry weighs about 17-18 pounds-- but Jasper only weighs 12 now. We're working on putting some weight on him.

Amelia and Paddy are in the bed-- well, at least Amelia is. I think Paddy is saying, "MOVE OVER! I WANT IN!" :-) (So sorry, Fiona, I put the wrong name-- Fiona is their mom! ;-)

Please continue to send pictures of your Pekes-- I love to share them. :-)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Kenzo and Moi Moi hear that it's summer in the States.

But, it's winter there!

Moi Moi's coat has grown out from her summer cut, so that she can stay warm.

You are so cute, Moi! I'm so glad your mom saved you from the puppy mill there.

And Kenzo looks very dapper with his hair bow. I'm sure it's a masculine hair bow.

Look at Moi's beautiful tail-- don't you want to just give her little face a kiss!? I'm sure her mom does that a lot.

She sure loves her four legged kids!! Hi, Melinda-- stay warm. :-)

Monday, June 27, 2011


We had a few people on our facebook ask about Rusty's Dad. For some reason, Rusty's story really touched our hearts. I'll include a connection to all the blog stories on Rusty at the end of this blog.

Rusty's legacy continues through his Dad and his Dad's students. They have a real heart to help Pekingese in our club. They made a donation by collecting coins a few months ago.

Rusty would be so proud that they continue to try to help Pekes like he was.

This time these special teens came up with the idea to have a garage sale. These students may have special needs but their heart are so full of love. I think their teacher, Rich, Rusty's Dad, must have a heart full of love, too.

Chris loved Rusty's visits to the classroom and Rusty would curl up on his lap while he worked. Dogs have incredible ability to help people-- and Rusty was one of those dogs.

Things were collected from friends and neighbors and they filled Rich's driveway. I see some things there I could have used! (Baby things!)

This sign was put up so everyone would know where the proceeds were going to. These students could have used the money themselves for a trip or a special treat-- but they didn't. They donated it all to our rescue efforts.

People came and browsed and they bought!

This is Blossom. She is a Border Collie mix who was rescued from the local shelter.

This is Cookie, an Australian Hound saying "hello" to the camera. Dogs and people alike came to the garage sale.

This special little girl was Rusty's girlfriend.

Gretchen is a Cocker Spaniel, rescued last week by one of Rich's neighbors. She loves to give kisses.

Bobby Socks is another collie mix who came to say hi.

Rusty, your legacy continues through your friends' effort to help your Pekingese breed. You had a rough beginning in life, but your life ended with love, and care, and warm beds. You were surrounded by love the entire time you were with Rich. We will never forget you. Rest in peace, sweet sweet boy.

Here are the blogs I have done on Rusty if you want to go back to see his story.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Peke (the name he is being called) was found in S.E. Virginia. As hard as his finders tried, they could not locate the owner of this sweet Peke mix. He is only a year old the vet thinks, so surely someone was looking for him-- or not. :-( It happens a lot. Dogs get out, or are put out (like Sassy) and no one is looking for them.

Peke looks like he is mixed with Yorkie to me-- but I know Pekes well, not the rest.

Peke is fully vetted-- his finders did everything for him! That is incredible to me. He's had all his shots, and they had him neutered also.

He is doing well on housetraining. He just needs a place to live forever. The dogs who are in his home now just don't want a little dog there.

His finders even had a puppy cut on him to keep him cool for the summer. (He's inside, but he had a lot of hair! And it's hot here!) They really like this little boy, but need to find him another home. If you are interested, please email me at

Here is an article that I thought was really interesting. This blog is written by a vet and a great place to "visit."

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Remember Brandy when she came into rescue last August-- almost a year ago. She was nine pounds of skin and bone and had been taking care of her two puppies.

She was afraid of everything, but bonded to Jeanne who was taking care of her.

She has been with Mary Elizabeth and under her love and care, Brandy has blossomed into a beautiful Peke.

She's timid of strangers-- that sometimes remains when a dog has been as severely abused as Brandy was.

Her hair is absolutely stunning-- thick and healthy.

She got a brand new bed last month. She obviously loves it!

Camden wanted it to be for him, and he tried it out, but he got "evicted" so Brandy could get back in. :-)

If you are interested in adopting Brandy, please email us at