Remember Rusty? He passed away a few months ago. He was a precious member of his family.

He loved to just curl up and sleep. But, he was able to go to school with his dad (a teacher) to visit the special needs' students that he taught.

After Rusty died, they decided to collect money to help the Pekingese in our group. They got a big pretzel jar and went from room to room collecting money.

They had a goal of collecting $100.00 and they hit that goal! They made signs that say, "I love Pekingese Puppies." What a great class of students.

To Rich, Rusty's Dad, please thank your class for the donation to help our foster dogs. Please thank you students for their caring spirit and for wanting to help. THANK YOU!!
As one pekingese here in my house would like to say to those wonderfully kind students -
"Beauty Mates - you ALL Rock!!!!!"
What a wonderful way to honor Rusty!!! What a fabulous group of students with big hearts!! Way to go!
That is so cool! What great kids!
WOW!! What an amazing group of students and a fantastic teacher/Peke Dad:) That is so great!!
What a thoughtful group of students and what a fine example of what a loving heart and teamwork can accomplish! ♥
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