Monday, January 31, 2011


Remember the blog on Legend? He is one of our foster dogs. His foster parents are also fostering Sasha and she is now one of Legend's best friends!
She came from a shelter near us and was taken from the owner by the courts-- charged with cruelty. I don't know what she went through, but she is doing really well now.
Her tail was down in the shelter-- not sure at all of what was happening to her.
But, look at her smile now!
Her coat is longer than some, but I know it will get healthier once she has the good food that we give our Pekes. She is about 12 pounds, so not big at all.
She smiles a lot now.
Unless she is thinking about what she can play with or who she can play with!
She spotted the rope toy!
But, takes a break to have her picture taken. Some Pekes LOVE to have their pictures taken! And some will just take off!
Sasha is about 2 years old and is available for adoption. Of course, if you want to adopt Legend with her, that would be great, too! They love playing, love the yard and love the other dogs in their foster home-- how much better could it get?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


There were probably many, many times this year when........
I may have... Disturbed You......
Troubled You, Pestered You..... (whoops, that's not a Peke, it's Beach Bit!)
Irritated You, Bugged You, Or got on your Nerves!!
So today, I just wanted to tell you…
Suck it up, Cupcake!! Cause there AIN'T NO CHANGES Planned for 2011!! (Don't you love those Pekes!!!)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Sallie, a member of our Peke club, send me an email about the Peke. I'm not sure where she got it, so I cannot credit the site. But, if I find out, I will! I included the pictures she sent. Enjoy!! (Sallie just sent me the site. Here is it! Click here: Chindara Pekingese and Pugs - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
"The breed originated in China in antiquity, in the city of Peking, most likely from Asian wolves. Recent DNA analysis confirms that the Pekingese breed is one of the oldest breeds of dog, one of the least genetically diverged from the wolf. They became the special pets of the Chinese Emperors, and these likenesses were found in art of all kinds - screens, vases, pottery, and sculpture."
These dogs are also called Dogs of Foo (or Fu) by the Chinese, and how much they are revered can be seen in the number of Chinese artworks depicting them.In 1860, when Allied troops occupied Peking, five dogs were found in a secluded corner of the Summer Palace beside their attendants, who had committed suicide rather than be captured. Admiral Lord John Hay and another naval officer each took two. The fifth was taken by General Dunne, who later presented her to Queen Victoria, who christened her "Looty".
Looty's portrait by a distinguished painter still hangs in Windsor Castle. The two little Pekes who found their home with the Duchess of Richmond were given the prefix "Goodwood" and were the foundation of the breed in England.Looty, the first Pekingese dog in Britain, brought by Captain Dunne, 99th Regiment, from Yuanming Yuan, the Summer Palace near Beijing, as a gift for Queen Victoria in April 1861, is photographed having a rest on a chair. The Royal Collection © 2009, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Queen Alexandra (left) pictured in a carriage with one of her favourite dogs, 1910. The Royal Collection © 2007 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II." I love these old photos of Pekingese. The last one looks like a darker version of my Starlight. Beautiful!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Bucky came to Anna, one of our members, through another rescue group in her area -- New York. She was fostering him and fell in love. Bucky's owner had died and he was in an overcrowded shelter. He's a Chin-Peke mix.
Bucky has some teeth, but they just add to his charm. He is a sweet boy who gets along well with Anna's other dogs. But, he was drinking for much and Anna found out he was severely diabetic and he needed two injections a day. Anna had never done this, but her husband had with a cat he had owned. And Bucky had to have these shots twice a day for survival! So, Anna learned. Here's what Anna wrote:
"We have come up with a strict am and pm schedule. Walks to ensure he is getting good exercise, his meals (breakfast or dinner - a high quality, lean, protein dog food - dry and wet mixed, to aid his digestion) and then his injection.After some practice, the shots started to go quite smoothly and Bucky didn't seem to even notice them. We inject him with 4 units of insulin via syring, into his scruff which I "pull out". It's important that I am cautious not to inject myself by accident. We use small 31 gauge needles, but now that I have a feel for the injection, it is not necessary to "jab" him, but only to make sure the tip penetrates the skin and the insulin is emptied under the skin (not injected into his fur -- a common problem some pet owners experience). After injecting, we use a small "clipper" unit we bought from the vet to cut off the needle, so we can safely dispose the used syringe.
In addition to the injections, we routinely monitor his urine for sugar by using a test strip. The vet has indicated that we don't want him to be in a "low sugar", so having some sugar output in his urine (traces of "purple" on the pink strip) is actually a good sign. His most recent blood test in December showed that his sugar had some down to a normal range. We are also cautious with snacks and treats, limiting these and offering fresh vegetables as alternatives (Bucky loves fresh carrots, kale and most green vegetables). But he has a sweet tooth, and if a cookie fell to the floor, he would be there in a flash, so we are cautious about keeping anything with sugar, etc, out of reach.

Unfortunately, his thirst, hunger and excessive urination continue. Living in a small apartment during the week, ensuring that Bucky doesn't have an accident has required use to have him wear a diaper at all times indoors. His diaper consists of a "belly band" which fastens around his waist with velcro. Initially, I was using sanitary pads in his band, typically using two or more "heavy" pads. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of leakage as sanitary pads are not intended to absorb such quantities of fluid. A friend of ours suggested laying a small child's diaper inside the belly band. This has been a fantastic trick that has proven very successful. The diapers absorb perfectly and there is almost no leakage.
We now buy sale diapers in bulk! ( I am waiting for the cashier at our local supermarket to ask about my "baby" -- wouldn't she be surprised to know he has four little paws and a cute underbite?!) The diapers also keep the moisture away from his skin and we check daily to ensure he doesn't have any rashes, etc. A small bit of baby powder seems to help his skin as well. On an average day, Bucky requires about 3 or 4 diaper changes, in addition to the 4 walks he takes daily. Using a diaper in this fashion is a good solution for any male dog who may suffer from chronic incontinence or even marking indoors.

We eventually hope that Bucky's diabetes will improve and his thirst and urination will subside, and he might even be "diaper free" But for now, he happily wears his diaper and everyone is comfortable and relaxed! Having a diabetic dog does require some additional work and effort, but truth be told, the work and effort is very minimal in contrast to the reward of having a sweet and gentle dog living a happy and full life, despite a somewhat serious medical condition!

For more info about managing canine diabetes, I have found the following website very helpful -- there is even a step-by-step slide show! "
Anna, thank you for helping us to learn more about canine diabetes. Bucky is so lucky to have you!! Keep us updated on how he's doing!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


This little girl was found wandering down a road in southwest Virginia. We were asked if we could help her.
The lady who found her has very limited income and did all she could, but she can't afford to do much for her, so she has asked us to step in. This little girl is being called "Baby" even though she is older. She is very sweet and loves to have attention from dogs, kids, adults. She just wants to be loved.
We are going to take her-- her hair has been shaved off and is growing back-- it was so matted, but we know she'll be beautiful. We are arranging transport even though we don't have a foster home yet. We will make it work. If you are interested in her, just email Baby will be taken care of-- we will make sure of that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ju Li was one of the Bristol 18. We still have a few who are waiting for homes-- Gizmo, Brandy, Ju Li. They are amazing dogs, and have all come so far from the horrible beginning life they were given.
Ju Li is a very faithful little girl. She just wants someone to love her forever-- just like Gizmo and Brandy. She has come out of her shell and loves to play.
Here she is with RB/Rose Bud, and Katrina-- both have their forever homes. Here are some videos of Ju Li playing with her foster sister, Lily. Her foster mom and dad call her Jelly Bean-- I just love that!!
Click here: YouTube - Ju Li "Jelly Bean" running .3gp Ju Li is trying to get Lily to play and.....

Click here: YouTube - julilily She did! I love how rescue dogs come out of their shell and become happy, whole Pekes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Legend is newer to foster. We got him out of a Maryland shelter. His owners didn't come to get him. I don't know why-- he is a really great dog!
Look at this picture! It's so sweet. Legend loves to play with his big foster brothers, Brownie and Hershey!! He chases them all over the yard until they just quit. Then, he tries to find someone else to play.
We think he's about3- 4 years old, no more than that. He is a little beauty and a wonderful little boy.
Look at him-- he's just waiting for his new family to find him!
At Christmas, he got to meet Santa-- I'm sure he was asking about a forever home! (Check out the blog that one of our supporters did for us! Click here: Silent Voices Creative Paws By Patrice )

Monday, January 24, 2011


Chloe came to us last spring. Her owner had passed away and the family could not keep her. It happens a lot-- so just make sure you know where your dogs will go if something happens to you. (I'm not trying to be "morbid" but many people assume their family will take care of their dogs and it just doesn't always happen that way.)
Chloe was born in China. She must have some royal heritage because she is a stunner!
She went to Jeanne's for fostering and then met her new mom.
She lives in Richmond now and is a cherished member of her family.
Look how beautiful her coat is-- from all sides!
She she sure knows how to relax! She's had a puppy cut in this picture.
She is making full use of the bed--
Now that it's so cold, she has a warm winter coat for her walks. And a bow in her hair! She is a beautiful girl!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am doing this blog in addition to the regular daily blog. Be sure to scan down for that one.
I received this information on Confortis-- a topical flea med. Be careful when using it. Some people have a lot of luck with it. You cannot give this on their skin at the same time as their heartworm med-- One can be done the middle of the month, one the beginning of the month to lessen possible severe/fatal side effects. I don't use it, but am including this blog on Confortis for information so that you can make your own decision.
From friends in rescue:
"...Comfortis is the lesser of two evils of flea meds. I've actually seen with my own eyes dogs and cats seize and have their skin burned by topicals. For dogs who already have skin problems like my two, I didn't want to chance it."Topicals can cause a skin reaction in some animals. However, the seizures and chemical burns I have seen and experienced as a vet tech, were only caused by the products you can buy in the grocery store (i.e. BioSpot, Hartz, etc). I personally have not seen any severe reactions to Frontline, Advantage or Vectra, though I am sure they are possible. What we are talking about here is medication and chemicals. There are possible side effects to each of these products and some could be severe. With vomiting being the most common side effect of Comfortis, it seems quite safe. However, if you read on, the long-term effects of the medication are unknown and could be severe. This is what makes me wonder about the drug: "Phospholipidosis (vacuolation) of the lymphoid tissue was seen in all dogs treated with COMFORTIS chewable tablets, the long-term effects of which are unknown"Does anyone know what this could cause in the future for the dog taking Comfortis? Anything taken orally and going through the blodstream seems to me to have more potential to have severe long term effects. But, none of this is known about this medication yet, it is quite new. I am certainly not saying it is a bad medication!! It sounds great and easy to use, when done according to directions. It would be difficult for me to remember to not give the heartworm and flea 2 weeks apart, but I'd get used to that too!Of course we all need to make decisions for our pets based on our own feelings,research and choices. It is wonderful that everyone here is so willing to help each other and share their experiences. We can all learn something! Kelly, fellow rescuer

Here's the product label for Comfortis. big concern I had with Comfortis was that you have to be very careful when you give ivermectin also. You have to make sure the two meds are given two weeks apart. Comfortis and ivermectin can interact causing seizures, blindness, etc. From the label "Following concomitant extra label use of ivermectin with COMFORTIS, some dogs have experienced the following clinical signs: trembling/twitching, salivation/drooling, seizures, ataxia, mydriasis, blindness and disorientation.


I got Coco Puff out of a shelter on my birthday last fall! That means early October for all of you who don't know when my birthday is haha. Rescuing a dog on my birthday is just fine with me-- what a gift!
What I didn't know was that Coco had eye injuries that were about to go bad quickly.
I was going to put her in another foster home but when I realized how serious her condition was, I kept her here with me. Not that others can't do a good job, but I have the ability to get to vet appointments (even though I take my grandson with me) at any time, and to specialists any day of the week.
Coco Puff was so excited to get out of the shelter. She wanted to watch out the window. If you notice, her feet at right near the window button-- so I put the "child locks" on. Otherwise, I can have windows opening and closing while I'm driving!
As soon as she arrived, we went to the vet. That's when we realized there was an eye injury. So, off to the specialist. Within days, after several visits to the ophthalmologist, Coco Puff's eye ruptured right in front of the Dr. Nadelstein. He is an incredible doctor and has people come from all over to see him. One person was there who drove two days from Miami to see him. He is one of eight specialists through out the United States who can do some kinds of eye surgery-- and he is 15 minutes from my house! Our rescue group is so lucky!!!
After her surgery-- which refilled her eye and had a graft on it-- her eye was saved!!! What we didn't know is the other eye also was injured.
It apppeared that the hair on the inner part of both eyes was growing right into her eyes! So, she had a second eye surgery. After months of treatment, Coco Puff was finally released by the eye doctor. We spent a lot on her, but we saved her eyes AND her sight. Yes, she can see out of both eyes.
She squinted for a long time, and I was putting eye drops in around the clock-- during the night several times (like having a baby here!) and through out the day. Was she worth it? YOU BET!
She was so sweet throughout everything. She even wagged her tail when the vet was checking her injured eye. She was just sweet! And she is so good about getting her eye drops-- never tried to snap or bite. Not once.
And then, we had an application for her that sounded perfect! So, off we went. We went to my daughter's farm, and then met her possible new mom a few days later. I do drive all over to find homes-- it's fine to do that. I like to meet my prospective owners myself. I get very protective of these dogs! Coco Puff was very relaxed in the car, as you can see.
When she realized we took a picture, she woke up. She does not like having her picture taken-- I think the flash bothers her.
And now she is in her new home (this is a picture from a few weeks ago). Her new mom said she is doing great and that she said I wasn't kidding-- Coco Puff is one sweet dog! THANK YOU for adopting her! You are the kind of home I want for every dog I foster! Give her a hug for me!