Bucky came to Anna, one of our members, through another rescue group in her area -- New York. She was fostering him and fell in love. Bucky's owner had died and he was in an overcrowded shelter. He's a Chin-Peke mix.

Bucky has some teeth, but they just add to his charm. He is a sweet boy who gets along well with Anna's other dogs. But, he was drinking for much and Anna found out he was severely diabetic and he needed two injections a day. Anna had never done this, but her husband had with a cat he had owned. And Bucky had to have these shots twice a day for survival! So, Anna learned. Here's what Anna wrote:
"We have come up with a strict am and pm schedule. Walks to ensure he is getting good exercise, his meals (breakfast or dinner - a high quality, lean, protein dog food - dry and wet mixed, to aid his digestion) and then his injection.After some practice, the shots started to go quite smoothly and Bucky didn't seem to even notice them. We inject him with 4 units of insulin via syring, into his scruff which I "pull out". It's important that I am cautious not to inject myself by accident. We use small 31 gauge needles, but now that I have a feel for the injection, it is not necessary to "jab" him, but only to make sure the tip penetrates the skin and the insulin is emptied under the skin (not injected into his fur -- a common problem some pet owners experience). After injecting, we use a small "clipper" unit we bought from the vet to cut off the needle, so we can safely dispose the used syringe.
In addition to the injections, we routinely monitor his urine for sugar by using a test strip. The vet has indicated that we don't want him to be in a "low sugar", so having some sugar output in his urine (traces of "purple" on the pink strip) is actually a good sign. His most recent blood test in December showed that his sugar had some down to a normal range. We are also cautious with snacks and treats, limiting these and offering fresh vegetables as alternatives (Bucky loves fresh carrots, kale and most green vegetables). But he has a sweet tooth, and if a cookie fell to the floor, he would be there in a flash, so we are cautious about keeping anything with sugar, etc, out of reach.
Unfortunately, his thirst, hunger and excessive urination continue. Living in a small apartment during the week, ensuring that Bucky doesn't have an accident has required use to have him wear a diaper at all times indoors. His diaper consists of a "belly band" which fastens around his waist with velcro. Initially, I was using sanitary pads in his band, typically using two or more "heavy" pads. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of leakage as sanitary pads are not intended to absorb such quantities of fluid. A friend of ours suggested laying a small child's diaper inside the belly band. This has been a fantastic trick that has proven very successful. The diapers absorb perfectly and there is almost no leakage.

We now buy sale diapers in bulk! ( I am waiting for the cashier at our local supermarket to ask about my "baby" -- wouldn't she be surprised to know he has four little paws and a cute underbite?!) The diapers also keep the moisture away from his skin and we check daily to ensure he doesn't have any rashes, etc. A small bit of baby powder seems to help his skin as well. On an average day, Bucky requires about 3 or 4 diaper changes, in addition to the 4 walks he takes daily. Using a diaper in this fashion is a good solution for any male dog who may suffer from chronic incontinence or even marking indoors.
We eventually hope that Bucky's diabetes will improve and his thirst and urination will subside, and he might even be "diaper free" But for now, he happily wears his diaper and everyone is comfortable and relaxed! Having a diabetic dog does require some additional work and effort, but truth be told, the work and effort is very minimal in contrast to the reward of having a sweet and gentle dog living a happy and full life, despite a somewhat serious medical condition!
For more info about managing canine diabetes, I have found the following website very helpful -- there is even a step-by-step slide show!
http://www.bd.com/us/diabetes/page.aspx?cat=7001&id=7394 "
Anna, thank you for helping us to learn more about canine diabetes. Bucky is so lucky to have you!! Keep us updated on how he's doing!