Wednesday, October 5, 2016


 For me, birthdays aren't a big deal unless you're one of my grandbits.   Then, we celebrate!!  But, it is my birthday and Starlight is singing to me.
 Birthdays are a time for me to reflect on how blessed my life has been-- like little miracles who push their toys.
 I have helpers who want to clean.
 I have pets I love.
 All of us in the family adore Sugar Bit-- she has ALL of us wrapped around her little fingers.  It's okay-- she is joy all day long!
 As the "baby" we all indulge her-- even when she is making my eyes cross with her new adventures.
 We live near the beach and we go when we can.
 The Bits all love it-- and when they're all here, we have a great time.   Blessings!
 Big kids and small enjoy the water.   We love to go to the bay side, because it's a little calmer.
 We eat together, swing together, play together, go a little crazy together.  Camp Runamuck is often in session!
 They help me cook-- and sometimes even eat what we cook!
 My house is full of senior dogs now-- Max is 13.
 Chumley is no youngster-- but he loves to play-- yes, you can see his favorite toy. (out of use for the past week as he recovers from his neck injury)
 Floyd is still hanging in there-- he shows no sign of leaving.
All my blessings-- I reflect upon on my birthday.   I've had so much, so many friends, so much joy, a great husband and marriage, children, grandchildren.  Birthdays are time to celebrate that-- and I do!


LadyJicky said...

Coco and I both wish you a wonderful Birthday Linda ....... have a glass of champagne for us... that means - 2 glasses girlfriend !!! :)

Toni Davis said...

Happy Birthday to a wonderful person. You inspire me daily! Wishing you all you hope for on this, your born day!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Linda -- Wishing you much health, happiness and joy in the year ahead! You are a true inspiration to me -- and many others! You do so much for those around you in need -- mainly four-legged, but also two-legged! Must Love Pekes is a daily ritual for me -- it fill me with joy and reminds me of how much we all need each other. I love all the Bits and hearing about their adventures! I hope you can do something special for yourself to celebrate! Thank you for all you do! Love, Anna, Tom, Helle and all the Pekes & Kitties