Friday, August 31, 2018


 Gus is living the life in New York City. 
 When he came to us, he was such a mess, and just miserable, but still the sweetest boy.
Susan fell in love with him and he joined her home four years ago today.
 He is loved beyond measure.
 He has everything he needs and even takes trips on the train with his mom down to N. Virginia.  Amazing.
 He is comfortable walking in the city he has come to know so well.
He can totally melt into his mom's arms.  His 12th birthday is September 22.   How time flies!  Happy Adoptaversary sweet Gus!!


LadyJicky said...

Gus really looks happy and I love that last photo!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gusaversary! Gus and his mom Sue are a match made in heaven!— they bring such joy and love to one another! 💕💕💕

Ginkgo's Daddy said...

Where has time gone? Gus was adopted FOUR years ago? A big uptown boy in New York City! I'm glad he is spoiled rotten! Happy early birthday, Gus!