Thursday, October 31, 2013


 Desi sent me a lot of pictures of her, her friends and the Halloween party at her house.  I know Desi spent a lot of time preparing for  and getting everything ready.    And then, she had to pick out her outfit!    She decided on the Spider Queen outfit.  You look beautiful!
 Alastor was hanging out with -- oh, my, what is that?     SCARY!!
 The decorations were everywhere.    Desi, how long did it take you to get it all set up.
 Julia is fostering Luna Lovegood (Pearl).   They were Lion Tamer and Lion.
 I think that little lion is perfectly behaved!
 But, she got tired of all the festivities, so she took a rest.
 Are there treats there for you, Luna?
 Madge was there.    She has a lot of heart issues and last year at this time, we didn't think she'd still be here.  But, she is, and she was very good about getting dressed up for the party.
 Dr. Maria was there with Gilbert.     Gilbert spent a lot of time on his back getting tummy rubs.  He loves everyone.
 Puji and Madge took a nap party way through the party.   They are good friends.
 Alastor walked among the scary things on the ground. Alastor and Cassidy wanted to be the Alligator Hunter.    Love their hats!
 Oh, snakes!   Cassidy, you are so brave.
 Dollar saw that cobra and backed off-- and then....
 he got brave and told the snake to go away!
 Puji had on his candy corn tie.     Puji has a lot of health issues also (liver failure), but he was still having fun!
 Madge, are you sticking your tongue out at me? :-)
 Oh, now you have your hat on-- you are sure a cute pumpkin!
 Hello again, Puji!
 Now you're in your outfit-- you are sure a handsome fellow.
 And then, the party was over and Alastor decided it was time to take it easy.    Give a party is hard work-- but you did great!
It was a scary event!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


 We received an email from a shelter in rural S.W. Virginia-- they had a Peke that needed help-- could we step up?  She is named from the main character in a Disney movie about a Chinese girl who wanted to be a warrior.
 She is mostly Peke-- maybe a little Shih Tzu in her.  (The original picture wasn't great....)  She arrived at Lucinda and Roger's in time to have a Halloween costume!    She is only about ten pounds, a tiny thing.
 She had a dental and lost a lot of teeth, so she'll need soft food from now on, but that's fine.    One of our adopters saw her picture on facebook and said, "I want to foster her."   She fell in love!    When she had an xray, we found there were bullet fragments in her, so someone used this dog for target practice-- horrible!    She is safe now!
Mulan is going to her foster home in Richmond this week-end.    She will have a lot of love and great food and two friends to play with-- her foster parents adopted Tai/Drake from us.    If you would be interested in adopting this sweet one, just let us know.


Just look at this smushed up face-- don't you want to kiss him!   
 A shelter in Hagerstown, MD asked if we would help this one year old.   He was turned in by his owner, and she said some of her dogs didn't like him.  
 So, one of our volunteers went to the shelter-- she was all ready with a collar for him.
 You're free, buddy!!  
 Where am I?    This is sure nicer than a shelter.
 Do I see other dogs over there?
 His nasal (eye) folds hit his eyes and his nose is so pinched, he'll probably need surgery on both.     But, he is good about letting his foster mom clean his eyes out.      He has kennel cough, but is on antibiotics, so he'll be okay soon.    A lot of shelter dogs are exposed to kennel cough, so the foster homes have to be set up for some separation.    (We have the BEST foster homes!)
 Pikachu appears to be 1-2 years old, mostly housetrained, loves walks/
 He loves to be held and cuddles and sleep or sit on the couch.  
 Snuggling up for a nap in a bed or blanket is the best!
Pikachu is about 15 pounds, but will gain a little, so he'll be a good sized Peke.    He's going to be a great lap dog for some lucky owner!    His adoption fee is $350.00.   Just email us at:  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


 This is Ollie-- he was my foster dog in 2006.   He danced from side to side when I got him out of the shelter-- he stole my heart!   We thought he was about 3 years old then, so he's about ten now-- it's hard to believe!
 Miss Buffy was adopted in 2009.    She was sweet from the first moment she was rescued.   She and Ollie became great friends.
 Ollie loves to get on things and keep an eye on his world.  
 Ollie is watching his world outside now-- are you helping your mom?
Look at these two best friends.   What a pair!

Monday, October 28, 2013


 Trevor was adopted from us in 2008.    He is such a sweet, beautiful Peke.  
He isn't doing too well right now, and his mom and dad are doing all they can for him.    Please lift up little little one.  


Norton is settling in well.  His new cast seems much more comfortable, and he moves around where ever he wants.  He doesn't go on full walks, but is happy roaming around the yard.
We had a peaceful night.  He is eating well.  His personality seems "spunky" and is really starting to come out.


 Melinda is my dear friend who lives in Australia-- for those who read the blog, she leaves comments as Lady Jicky.    She is a faithful follower of the blog, friend, Peke lover.    This is MoiMoi, in her bed with her pink crown on-- she's ready for Halloween.  But, she is also sad right now.
Coco is also a little upset-- you see, my friend is in the hospital.    Melinda needs our prayers.    I'm asking for prayer for her for healing, being able to come home quickly.   This is serious and I'm very concerned about her, so I'm asking other Peke lovers to lift her up.     I know I will be.


 We received a request from a Maryland shelter in Baltimore  to take an injured Peke.    They called him Tron, but we renamed him Norton.    New start, new name.     He had been hit by a car, and they needed someone to commit to him, or he would be put down at the end of his stray hold.    Shelters just don't all have the ability to care for an injured animal and if the owner doesn't show up, they need rescue to step in.    We did.
 He was picked up by a great volunteer, Craig, and he had a bed, food, and toys all ready for him to get him to his foster mom.  
 Norton ate and then laid down to sleep.   He was worn out.
 He has a splint on one leg that is broken, the other was injured, but should heal fine-- in fact, he should heal fine all over.
He is resting now and we have to limit his movement so he doesn't use that leg too much.   But, he'll be fine.   He is 13 pounds (could gain a little), and about 7 years old.    He seems very sweet and will be available for adoption once his legs heal.     Let us know if you would like more information on him.    Just email